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How to burn DVDs to iTunes


iPF Noob
Jun 28, 2014
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I have no problem burning CD music in ITunes. How do you burn movies from Cd's or Dvd's? I do not want to break any copyrights, just movies I created on Dvd's.


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I have no problem burning CD music in ITunes. How do you burn movies from Cd's or Dvd's? I do not want to break any copyrights, just movies I created on Dvd's.

Hi Justcecil - not sure that I can help much, but am not clear on exactly what you are trying to do? I've burned a lot of music to CD-Rs from iTunes (purchased MP3s mainly) on my MBPro laptop and I'm assuming that your are doing the same w/ music, i.e. the iTunes app on the iPad is not going to provide that feature.

So, are you making movies on your iPad Air 2 (the forum where your OP was placed) and do you want to 'burn' them to a DVD? If so, you would need to transfer the movies to a regular computer and use the appropriate software and a CD/DVD burning device to make the DVDs. Now, I may be missing something here, so please explain and hopefully others will 'chime in' w/ suggestions. Dave :)
No I have home movies on Cd's/DVD's that I want to burn to iTunes movie collection. No problem with music; however, I just don't know how to transfer my movie collection to iTunes.

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iTunes does not have the ability to rip DVD's, protected or not. Only CD ripping is built in.

You'll have to use other software to do the conversion then use the Add to Library option in iTunes' Files menu. I haven't used it myself, but I believe the Handbrake utility has a preset for iTunes compatible file formats.
ITunes does not have a built in way to "rip" DVDs, only CDs. (The term is "ripping" not burning)

You'll have to find useful third party software that will rip your DVD to a format for inputting to iTunes. I have used Handbrake, which does have presets for importing into iTunes.

EDIT: just beaten to the punch by TP ;)
No I have home movies on Cd's/DVD's that I want to burn to iTunes movie collection. No problem with music; however, I just don't know how to transfer my movie collection to iTunes.

Hi again - I believe the three of us have indicated that iTunes cannot be used to rip DVDs nor are you able to 'burn' the discs, so your terminology is confusing. I think that what you want to do is transfer your 'movies' to your iPad so they can be viewed on that device - correct?

Now, I or others can continue, but let's try to get your goals clear, otherwise a waste of verbiage - ;) Dave
Sorry Dave. Yes end goal is getting my movies that are currently on CD/Dvd's to my IPad.. I thought I would have to load to iTues and from iTunes, to Ipad.

I do not know any other means to transfer them to my iPad. Unless I can burn them to a folder on my computer, import into iTunes or IPad. Just want to do a few.

None of the movies were made with iMovie. Canon movie Cam, tape, Pinnacle Studio.

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Sorry Dave. Yes end goal is getting my movies that are currently on CD/Dvd's to my IPad.. I thought I would have to load to iTues and from iTunes, to Ipad.

I do not know any other means to transfer them to my iPad. Unless I can burn them to a folder on my computer, import into iTunes or IPad. Just want to do a few.

None of the movies were made with iMovie. Canon movie Cam, tape, Pinnacle Studio.

OK - now clear - thanks! :)

First, your 'movies' need to be in a proper format to run on the iPad - quoted below is from an Apple specs site for your device - if not in one of those formats, then you'll need to 'convert' them on your computer, which likely will require a software program (not sure if you're on a PC or a Mac, but googling the formats should help) - I've used a program on my MBPro called Adapter that is free and works like a charm - there is a Windows version.

Second, once converted (of course, if needed which I suspect will be true), you can import the movies into iTunes on your computer and then cable to your iPad and transfer (I've not done it in several years but worked on my old iPad 2). Also, there are wireless or cloud options, such as Dropbox or iCloud - I've not done movie transfers 'over the air' but should not be a problem.

Finally, there are devices, such as AirStash (pic below) that can be setup their own Wi-Fi network, connect to your iPad, and play and/or transfer files of certain types - description on Amazon HERE - there are other similar devices, several of which have been discussed on this forum, so a search might help.

Let me stop there for you to 'digest' this information and ask further questions or provide us more information, if needed - good luck. Dave :)
Screen Shot 2015-03-22 at 5.43.34 PM.png
Thanks, I have the Air Stash. I just thought there should be a way to burn the DVD directly into iTunes, like you can with a music CD.

I appreciate all the inputs

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iTunes does not have the ability to rip DVD's, protected or not. Only CD ripping is built in.

You'll have to use other software to do the conversion then use the Add to Library option in iTunes' Files menu. I haven't used it myself, but I believe the Handbrake utility has a preset for iTunes compatible file formats.
Thanks. I have them saved in MPEG-4 on DVD, was looking for a shortcut to burn directly to iTunes. For home movies, I guess they do not want that ability. I will see if I can burn to PC, transfer to Air Stach, and import into iMovie. Thanks.

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If the files are already in MPEG-4, then it's possible they will play in iTunes on the computer. You need to insert the DVD, choose the Add to Library option in the File menu in iTunes, navigate to the file on the DVD, and chose it to import.

If it imports and plays on the computer, then it should be possible to sync it to the iPad using the Video's options that show up when you iPad is plugged into the computer and selected in iTunes. This would work just like syncing movies you purchased in iTunes to the iPad.

What you can not do is take a movie DVD that is formatted to work in a DVD player and rip the movie into iTunes. This is what requires the third party software. Audio CD ripping is supported. DVD movie ripping is not.

It is possible that the format you currently have the movie in will not work in iTunes. MPEG-4 has a bunch of different varieties/speeds/settings, not all of them compatible with iTunes. If that is so, you'll still need ti convert it using something like Handbreak.
Thanks. I have them saved in MPEG-4 on DVD, was looking for a shortcut to burn directly to iTunes. For home movies, I guess they do not want that ability. I will see if I can burn to PC, transfer to Air Stach, and import into iMovie. Thanks.

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If these files are already in MPEG4 format you can right click it and the select "Open with" and then select iTunes in the drop-down menu. If it plays in iTunes, then you'll be able to import it into your iTunes library and then be able to transfer it over to your iPad.

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If these files are already in MPEG4 format you can right click it and the select "Open with" and then select iTunes in the drop-down menu. If it plays in iTunes, then you'll be able to import it into your iTunes library and then be able to transfer it over to your iPad.

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Thanks. That is if you rip from DVD to PC/Mac. I was looking for a straight rip from disc to iTunes. But it is a way to get the job done.

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Thanks. That is if you rip from DVD to PC/Mac. I was looking for a straight rip from disc to iTunes. But it is a way to get the job done.

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I am now completely confused about what you're trying to do.

Are these movie DVDs? The kind that you put in any old DVD movie player and play? You made a movie, then you had special software encode and burn a video formatted DVD? This is not MPEG-4, or any other MPEG format.

Or are these file DVDs, that just happen to have MPEG-4 movie files on them? You made a movie, then loaded a DVD into your drive and copied the movie file to the DVD; pretty much the same way you'd copy any file to a DVD, hard drive, or any other storage medium?

If the first, then there is 'no' way to directly import them to iTunes. None. You'll have to rip and convert them first.

If the second, then it's only a matter of importing the file into iTunes. You don't rip, burn, or massage it with cooking oils, you just import it like any other file. If the format is compatible, and there's a fair chance it is, then it will work. If the format is not compatible then you're back to converting the file with third party software. iTunes wont' do it for you. (though it will (sometimes) convert file formats it' recognizes to more iPad friendly ones during sync).

I don't know of any other way to explain this. If you don't' understand, please ask questions.

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