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Hi fellow Ipadders!


iPF Noob
Apr 18, 2010
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Hi, my name is Jeff. I have been using my new Ipad for about a week. I got the 64GB Wi-Fi. I love it! I did not get the 3G because I already have a Verizon wireless Mi-Fi card which works better than AT&T in my areas of New York and Florida. The IPad works great with the Mi-Fi card and I can get on the web fast from just about anywhere in my area...and it is very fast. One use I plan is to look at the weather satellite while on my boat to see if there are any storms in the area.
Also, I am flying back to NY this week and found a free app which allows me to download and record any web page so that I can read it later on the plane where the web is not available.
I talked to JetBlue today and they said that the regulations for the Ipad are the same as the Iphone. I can hardly wait.
Welcome. Glad you are enjoying that nice and roomy 64gig!

Sounds like some cool apps, you really can find just about anything in the app store.
Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!!:) (read the rules)

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