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Fisher Price launches baby bouncy seat with iPad holder


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Fisher Price has recently introduced a new baby bouncy seat that features a special holder for an iPad. Thus, you could keep your kid entertained with his favorite educational apps while you mind your own business. The Newborn-to-Toddler Apptivity Seat from Fisher Price comes with the traditional dangling toys and pillows but it will also let you insert your iPad.

SF Gate explains how this baby seat won’t make your kid addicted to the iPad but will rather help him stimulate its brain activity:

Before you get all riled up, you need to know that Fisher Price isn’t marketing the Apptivity as a way for 1-year-olds to watch the latest episode of Modern Family or to play Angry Birds. The toy company intends parents to use apps that are suitable and appropriate for infants and toddlers, such as programs showing soothing nature scenes and black-and-white images that stimulate growing brains.

But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) thinks otherwise and recommends that screens be avoided for children under the age of two. Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News chief medical editor and pediatrician also said the following:

I think parents need to be really careful here. A child's brain is going through incredible development and change during those early years. The best thing for a child is extensive interaction with people -- hearing voices, seeing faces, physically touching toys. I worry that screens will replace these important human interactions.

Still, Kathleen Alfano, senior director of child research at Fisher-Price, thinks that their product can help expand the child's learning capabilities.

We strive to provide thoughtful features and solutions for parents that we've identified through researching their needs

The Newborn-to-Toddler seat currently retails for $80 on Amazon. What do you think about this product? Would you agree to let your toddler interact with an iPad?

Source: SFGate, WCPO
I'll play devils advocate here and say as long as you got some lullabies on there it might be a nice product to keep baby entertained and soothed. The little tike might actually enjoy it!
Well, I suppose the parents could put up a video of themselves on that iPad going kootchie koo, so the kid could get to know what they look and sound like while they are otherwise occupied;)
Blast! and here I was thinking of opening a business producing baby rattles and little teddy bears.

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
I'll play devils advocate here and say as long as you got some lullabies on there it might be a nice product to keep baby entertained and soothed. The little tike might actually enjoy it!

I'm sure the tike would enjoy it, and so might the parent. But the temptation to let the iPad babysit the tike has great potential to harm a little tike that really needs to be held a lot of these ages. And they need to be manipulating their world. I'm sure some parent could keep it under control but I bet many would take the easy road.

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