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Endless crashes


iPF Noob
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
I all, I have a first gen iPad and it is up to date on the iOS. It crashes ALL the time. Ten minutes without a crash is a triumph. I tried wiping and reinstalling just apps I really need but to no avail. It crashes particularly when showing embedded videos but can crash any time.
Anyone else seen this or can offer a solution? Could it be a hardware issue? I have about twenty apps installed in total.
Thanks for any help you can offer,
iPad 1 has limited RAM, which can lead to crashes on iOS 5, depending on what apps and websites you visit.

There are existing threads (findable via forum search) with tips on how to deal with this, but options are limited by hardware. Try searching for iOS 5 and crashes for previous threads.
Ah, that's interesting. Is there a way to go back to ios4? Is that possible?

Thanks for the reply!


Kaykaykay said:
iPad 1 has limited RAM, which can lead to crashes on iOS 5, depending on what apps and websites you visit.

There are existing threads (findable via forum search) with tips on how to deal with this, but options are limited by hardware. Try searching for iOS 5 and crashes for previous threads.
KayKay~ iPad 1 has limited ram? I don't think so. My iPad 1 has 32GB which is double the ram in the entry level iPad 2. In fact the ram configurations between iPad 1 and iPad 2 did not change. No it appears that something else is going on here, since ram is not an issue, and I am seeing this same issue reported all over with users of IOS5 on iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch. From all that I have read so far, I am just about at the point where I will be backing up everything and restoring my iPad to the factory defaults and then adding apps back in a few at a time to attempt to resolve this annoying issue.
iPad58102 said:
KayKay~ iPad 1 has limited ram? I don't think so. My iPad 1 has 32GB which is double the ram in the entry level iPad 2. In fact the ram configurations between iPad 1 and iPad 2 did not change. No it appears that something else is going on here, since ram is not an issue, and I am seeing this same issue reported all over with users of IOS5 on iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch. From all that I have read so far, I am just about at the point where I will be backing up everything and restoring my iPad to the factory defaults and then adding apps back in a few at a time to attempt to resolve this annoying issue.

You're confusing RAM with with storage. The iPad 1 only has 256MB of RAM to run the OS and apps in. The iPhones/Touches (at least the older ones, not sure about the iPhone 4S) have that or less.
KayKay~ iPad 1 has limited ram? I don't think so. My iPad 1 has 32GB which is double the ram in the entry level iPad 2. In fact the ram configurations between iPad 1 and iPad 2 did not change. No it appears that something else is going on here, since ram is not an issue, and I am seeing this same issue reported all over with users of IOS5 on iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch. From all that I have read so far, I am just about at the point where I will be backing up everything and restoring my iPad to the factory defaults and then adding apps back in a few at a time to attempt to resolve this annoying issue.

RAM and storage are different. iPad 2 has twice as much RAM as iPad 1. Check the specs with Apple if you want verification.

Consumers have a choice of how many GBs to buy. You have NO choice with iPad RAM.

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