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Editing Apps


iPF Noob
Does an app exist that would allow you to import a 'Word' documents and using a ipad pen 'mark up' the document then allow it to be emailed?
I have 3 annotating apps - iAnnotate, DocumentsToGo and Goodreader. After trying, I can say that none of them let me "scribble" on a Word (.doc/.docx) file. You can edit the file with the keyboard in all but Goodreader - but not write on it...

Have you considered using your computer to save the Word file as a PDF? Then you can use iAnnotate or Goodreader to write on the document.

Long story short: No, I don't know of an app that'll let you scribble on Word documents. Sorry.

Part of the problem is that a Word document is basically a text document with format instructions embedded. It is not designed to read your scribble or to save it. It is not a "pixel processor" like PDF is. Most don't know what PDF stands for but it is Portable Document Format and the letters are actually bit drawn. You can [with lots of patience, or at least you could] actually create your own characters for PDF to print but you need to show it the xy coordinates of each bit. I had a programmer who worked for me in 1984 or 85 who wrote a message by building his own xy coordinate scheme for the PDF reader to read. Took a week to write his name in the xy coordinates. Not practical but interesting. When you scribble on a PDF document, the program doing the work is taking your input as bits [xy] coordinates and color info and feeding the reader. Probably a poor description but I am mostly a Manager/Engineer, not a programmer [although I have written some Fortran and Unix/shell scripts in 1966-1983 time frame] I have forgotten how to do most of that.

Thanks folks. All very helpful and i suspect unless i convert to PDF i will not soon be marking up my staff's reports and emailing them back....

as for the chap who wanted to know what 'Pen i speak of' i purchased one on Amazon which replicates the actions of your finger ...and a bit more accurately...

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