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Do not believe anyone


iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2012
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When it comes to ip3 , there are several websites such as cnet and others we generally consider semi reliable news suppliers of apple related rumors.
Don't believe them. They have lost all credibility with me by posting info that apple stores , , amazon , and others not worth mentioning are taking pre orders for ip3 today as of 10 am est.
Believe this, apple don't acknowledge the words " ipad3" until an official announcement. We all know when that is.
So, you say to believe no one....then i can't believe you...
What sites are posting this? As I follow tech news very close and I have seen no sites report this at all. Could be an add or spam trying to trick someone, yes. But most know that nothing is official until Apple reveals the iPad 3 on March 7th at 10 AM PDT. *shrug*

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