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Calender edit/delete problem


iPF Noob
Jul 21, 2012
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It just decided to start using the calender on my ipad to get organized so i started entering this weeks stuff that i have been doing at work. I started from monday until today. I started just writing the title of each event and each event as start of a work day until then end of a work day. I then went back and edited them one by one ( day by day) to add what i done eaceh day att work in the comments. All was fine until i came to todays event. I touched the event and it doesnt say edit, it says details. For some reason this event i cannot edit or delete. I read some where that i events are created i some other synced app it cant be edited but ive never used calender before on any other app or whatever. This is the first time ive ever used calender. I cant have these events synced anywhere else. So what is the problem here? I then added a new identicle event for today and now i got 2 split events on the same day. Anoying. This one i can delete but there original one i cant do anything about. Is there a read only option that i accidentally check when i created this ecent on the ipad?
Thanks for any help on this. I realy dont want to use a calender app that decides to randomly make my calender notes undeleteable or uneditable.
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Any event you create locally in the Calendar should be editable.

Try the common fixes below and see if they help.

By the way, keeping your info on only the iPad is a real bad idea, especially if it is important to you. Data in one place, especially a mobile device, is a recipe for disaster. Consider syncing with some online service, or at least getting an app that will generate a calendar backup for you.

Apple's backup is fragile in that it only keeps the most recent backup, and you have to restore everything on the iPad when you use it.


When you have problems with an app it's a good idea to clear it from RAM.

Close/Clear the app: With the problem app closed, double tap on the Home button to get the multitask bar. Tap and hold on any icon in the bar until they jiggle, then tap the minus sign on the problem app. This will remove it from RAM and insure a clean start the next time you launch the app.

If that does not work try a restart,

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears. Apple recommends you restart the iPad at least once a month.

and then a reset if that does not work.

Reset: Hold down the power and home buttons until the Apple logo appears. The iPad will reboot. This usually takes a bit longer than a restart.
Any event you create locally in the Calendar should be editable.

Try the common fixes below and see if they help.


When you have problems with an app it's a good idea to clear it from RAM.

Close/Clear the app: With the problem app closed, double tap on the Home button to get the multitask bar. Tap and hold on any icon in the bar until they jiggle, then tap the minus sign on the problem app. This will remove it from RAM and insure a clean start the next time you launch the app.

If that does not work try a restart,

Restart: Hold down the power button until the power off slider appears. Slide it off. When the iPad finishes shutting down, hold down the power button again until the Apple logo appears. Apple recommends you restart the iPad at least once a month.

and then a reset if that does not work.

Reset: Hold down the power and home buttons until the Apple logo appears. The iPad will reboot. This usually takes a bit longer than a restart.

twerppoet, thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately none of those options work. I guess I will be stuck with an undeletable event for the rest of my ipads life........
That seems unlikely. One way or another it should be possible to take care of it.

When you tap the Calendar button at the top left, what calendars does it say you have?

Do you have an iCloud or GMail account. If not, are you willing to create one and sync your calendars to it? If so, then when you create the sync the account choose to merge the calendars. This would place your calendar on a website and offer better tools to delete and manage it. It also gives you a backup of your data incase something happens to the iPad.

If you have neither account, I recommend the iCloud account. It offers more options when syncing with an iPad.
That seems unlikely. One way or another it should be possible to take care of it.

When you tap the Calendar button at the top left, what calendars does it say you have?

Do you have an iCloud or GMail account. If not, are you willing to create one and sync your calendars to it? If so, then when you create the sync the account choose to merge the calendars. This would place your calendar on a website and offer better tools to delete and manage it. It also gives you a backup of your data incase something happens to the iPad.

If you have neither account, I recommend the iCloud account. It offers more options when syncing with an iPad.

Im not interested in icloud or gmail. I just want the calender app to work. It seems to have a serious glitch. I created the events at the same time and all locally and one event decides to be uneditable and undeletable. And there are no options in this app. I cant forexample, file - preferences and uncheck or check something to resolve the problem. There are no preferences att all. Seems like a low budget app that needs alot of debugging and a whole bunch of development. If someone cant come up with a reason why my calender has frozen one om my events so that i cant add the notes necessary to that event then the calender is useless to me. I decided to start using the digital calender on my ipad to make my life easier not worse. Ill go back to my paper note book if its going to be so complicated just to get the calender to do simple tasks as to be able to take notes for a certain day. Since i cant edit a days events, i therfore can make my calender do a simple task as take notes for that day. Maybe your not allowed to take notes on a saturday.

So last question. Anyone know how i simply make my uneditable, undelitable event editable and delitable on the ipad calender? Or anyone know of a better calender app that is user controlable.

Reason why im not into creating lots o acounts and syncing etc etc is that i am a pipe fitter/welder working abroad and i dont always have the luxury of internet connection. I live in the real world and not in the clouds. So if i need syncing from the clouds to get this stupid calender to work then ill be even more frustrated when im in the desert on the job in some god forsaken country miles from any internet connection. I just though it be sweet if i could replace my physical note book where i note down how many hours i welded on this project number and how many hours i welded on that project number and which date that was. In my job im required to show how many hours i work on what in order to get paid so i need to kepp track of that. But my ipad isnt fully developed yet to do that job. I set up an event on saturdays 12 hour work shift and now i cant edit it so its an empty event. I cant write down what idid on saturday. That i can do with pencil and paper but icant do it with an ipad. Luckily i have internet conncetion on this job but it is slow and my mobil internet GB are limited per month, so i was trying to get some online help here to fix this glitch.
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Maybe you'd be happier with a note taking app.
I use Notability. Although it's great to use with the web, it's also great with out it.
Plus it gives you the choice to either type, hand write or record your notes.
Thanks Laurie but i wanted something more calender like. If i just want to take down notes i already do that on paper.
AllenSalar said:
I guess try to download other Calendar Apps?

Hi...I quite like the calendar app BUT I can't seem to delete anything ...any suggestions please?
Tap on the event. A small window should pop up with some info. If the event is editable then it will include an edit button. Tap that and scroll all the way to the bottom for the Delete Event option.
Thank you

Tap on the event. A small window should pop up with some info. If the event is editable then it will include an edit button. Tap that and scroll all the way to the bottom for the Delete Event option.

Many thanks for your help...it works!.....so simple when you know how!

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