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Barnes and Noble iPad app. now available


iPF Noob
May 12, 2010
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Just downloaded this.


I also downloaded it to my PC.

One nice thing... the Sony reader can also open the B&N books.

My wife takes her Sony reader on trips, doesn't want to take
the iPad on a business trip, so now we pay one price to read
on both devices!

A lot of page customization features.:D

As I said to your other post on this..... I am so glad they did the update to full iPad functionality! And we iPad readers are so lucky.... we get it all!

Can we read all Kindle books.....check.
Can we read all Nook books..... check
Can we read all iBook books.....check
Can we read PDF books....check
Can we read Fictionwise and eReader books....check
Can we real Kobo books....check
Can we real all non-DRM ePub from independent eBook publishers.... check

Plus more of course.... Great times :)
What app are you reading Fictionwise books on? A native iPad one? The first ebooks I ever bought were from there and I hadn't found a way to transfer them to the iPad yet. Was hoping the B&N app would let you access Fictionwise bookshelf, since they own it, but can't seem to find that function, or a way to get them into any iPad ereader app.
What app are you reading Fictionwise books on? A native iPad one? The first ebooks I ever bought were from there and I hadn't found a way to transfer them to the iPad yet. Was hoping the B&N app would let you access Fictionwise bookshelf, since they own it, but can't seem to find that function, or a way to get them into any iPad ereader app.

Just get the iPhone app "ereader" in the app store... yes you have to 2X it so the text isn't perfect, but I have read one book on it already, and lived to tell the tail :D

Anyway, you can access your fictionwise or ereader account from within the app and get the books you already bought...

I too was disappointed that the B&N app does not import the fictionwise and ereader books.... I think it is pretty clear that B&N plans to eventually close both sites and funnel the customers into their main site.... but it would be nice if their own app would support the stores they own..... oh well.......
The B&N app looks pretty good but... store access is clumsy, it sends you to Safari.... and if I mess around with settings, it crashes a lot.... but I am sure an update will come....I am just glad they got something out there.....
I have the iPhone ereader app, but since things with a lot of text don't look too good at 2X I hadn't tried it. Will have to give it a try.
Can you upload your own non-DRM epub books - uncheck!



Probably going to delete it favor of a real reader.

You can upload your on-DRM epub books through iTunes and read it using iBooks. I just tried this last night :)
Can you upload your own non-DRM epub books - uncheck!



Probably going to delete it favor of a real reader.


I rip DRM from ALL my ebooks and that is all I read on my iPad.... What on earth are you talking about?

Please look at the top of your screen and read the title of this thread. We are talking about the B&N reader, not iBooks. iBooks becomes unstable if you load too many books on it, so I was looking for another ereader app. B&N reader was announced and "SUPPORTS EPUB FORMAT" was assured. Nope, sorry, FAIL. It does not support MY EPUB books, only theirs that you purchase off of them. What do I care that you support a particular file type if I can't load my own files of that type and read them on your (B&N) app? Which is why I say that I will probably delete this app (B&N) in hopes a real ereader app that is not unstable is produced by someone.
I was excited about the ipad B&N reader. Downloaded it and deleted the iphone app which worked great. Now while the ipad app works it does not allow me to click on the buy button nor does it allow me to redeem the free ebook of the week coupon. Any ideas what is going on? I finally ended up going online via the computer and getting my books.
I was excited about the ipad B&N reader. Downloaded it and deleted the iphone app which worked great. Now while the ipad app works it does not allow me to click on the buy button nor does it allow me to redeem the free ebook of the week coupon. Any ideas what is going on? I finally ended up going online via the computer and getting my books.

No idea of the problem, works fine for me... but I am in the US....

I guess you were signed into your B&N account?
I was excited about the ipad B&N reader. Downloaded it and deleted the iphone app which worked great. Now while the ipad app works it does not allow me to click on the buy button nor does it allow me to redeem the free ebook of the week coupon. Any ideas what is going on? I finally ended up going online via the computer and getting my books.

I downlaoded this app, and although it does not do what I downloaded it for, it does seem to work in the other respects that you mention. Sometimes you get a corrupted download of an app. I have had this in the past, deleted the app from the device, deleted from iTunes and then redownloaded it for free. This works for free apps and paid app.

Good luck
What app are you reading Fictionwise books on? A native iPad one? The first ebooks I ever bought were from there and I hadn't found a way to transfer them to the iPad yet. Was hoping the B&N app would let you access Fictionwise bookshelf, since they own it, but can't seem to find that function, or a way to get them into any iPad ereader app.

Stanza has a Fictionwise listing in the get books page, which seems like it would show your purchase history just like the Kindle reader does.
I've been trying to stick to iPad apps so didn't put Stanza on the iPad, but now there is Stanza for iPad! So going to download it when I leave the forum and try it out.

Update: just installed Stanza for iPad and downloaded a book from my Fictionwise bookshelf. It downloaded easily, looks good, but that is about all I can say so far, haven't really "used" it yet.

So I finally can have all my books on my iPad, using iPad apps!!
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