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Avid Studio & iMovie video export problem: video has black frame


iPF Noob
Avid prob.webp

Please see screenshot. I have some footage that I converted from NTSC S-VHS to raw AVI (15 gigs per hour of video). I then used a free converter program called 'Format Factory' to convert the raw AVI file to .MOV format before syncing it to my iPad and then loading it into Avid Studio for iPad and also iMovie.

After editing in both Avid Studio for iPad and also iMovie I exported to my camera roll testing all resolution options but although the source .MOV video filled up all of the iPad screen the exported edit is smaller and has a wide black boarder on the top, bottom and sides, is off to the left 'and' cuts some of the video out. This is the case with the first two 'fit' options in Avid. The third 'fit' option in Avid does exactly the same as iMovie. It shows all the video but way offst to the left and with a thick black boarder on the top, bottom and right. These are the two results I have shown in the screen shot below the original unedited .MOV screen shot.

What is the reason for this and how do I avoid it? I want to upload some videos I'm editing to YouTube but I don't want them crappy looking off to one side and in a black framed box. They aren't like that in the source .MOV video.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Someone on another forum suggested converting the original file to MP4 instead of .MOV.
I'll try that and see how it works.
But the first pic in the example I uploaded is of it in Apples .MOV format and it fills the screen perfectly. I then edit it in either iMovie or Avid studio for iPad and the two lower pics come out.
Poita said:
But the first pic in the example I uploaded is of it in Apples .MOV format and it fills the screen perfectly. I then edit it in either iMovie or Avid studio for iPad and the two lower pics come out.

I think how the album displays the clip differs to how Avid & iMovie handles it. Avid and iMovie need to make each clip comply with the final project size and aspect. If the original clip varies, they must pad the variance in the final output. Both only output at 16:9, it appears your original footage is from a 4:3 source.

I would suggest re-encoding your video, here is some useful info on the formatting, although some investigation is required due to the aspect ratio issue.

Ah so it's putting a 4:3 video in a 16:9 letterbox with it starting from the left and filling in the empty space on the right.

I sent the original tapes off and spent £120 to encode them to AVI. I can't do that again but I could somehow re encode them or just edit them on my pc. In this particular case I don't need to do anything except split a two hour video in to four 30 min segments.

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