AppleInsider has a report today listing AT&T’s international data plans for the 3G iPad, and as is usually the case with roaming charges, they’re not cheap!
According to AppleInsider, all things considered, the cost roughly amounts to $200 for 30 minutes of streaming YouTube videos. There are four Data Global Add-On packages to choose from, with tariffs starting at $24.99 per 30 days for 20 MB of data, and soaring as high as $199.99 for 200 MB. Somewhere in the middle of that you have 50 MB of data for 30 days for $59.99, and 100 MB of data for 30 days for $119.99 The plans can be ordered directly from your iPad’s Cellular Data screen on a month-by-month basis.
AppleInsider suggests that a cheaper option for iPad owners travelling abroad might be to purchase a pre-paid data micro SIM from a local carrier in the country you’re visiting. Once the iPad 3G is finally released in Europe and elsewhere we’ll probably know more about how possible this will be.
By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.Net
Source: AppleInsider | AT&T's international data plans for iPad start at $25 for 20MB