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4g lte


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2011
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
Yes, I am a broke college student but I will be staying up all night to order my new iPad 3 with 4G. The reason for this is as you can see 4G as well as 1080p. Plus Siri. (the dazzling red head for my big bang theory fans)

Questions, the wireless service isn't contractual right? I can opt to turn it on or off from month to month and pay respectively? I have an AT&T iPhone but tethering would cost an extra 20 for an extra 2g. I only use less than 1g but I feel like when I'm really ipadding I will use more than 3g. I want to play cheap and safe, ESP im not using it all the time.

Keep in mind, I'm 96% in a college campus with wifi. Also, I'm not oppose to Verizon's data plans or their iPad. I just need the best bang for buck. Help plz.
I would not bet on the iPad 3 having LTE technology. The low power LTE chipsets are not yet available in the quantities necessary for Apple. They are not going to kill battery life just for LTE.
Witt Whats the release date? And where can I preorder one to get it on the release date? Best Buy? What is LTE? I have an Ipad 2 with wi-fi 16 gig This time I want wi-fi, 4 g and 32 gig. Probably pay 600 for that aye?
I would not bet on the iPad 3 having LTE technology. The low power LTE chipsets are not yet available in the quantities necessary for Apple. They are not going to kill battery life just for LTE.

Kind of agree yes, But don't know ! LTE is something that even I would not bet on at the moment, it is just people that keep talking about it. I can surely bet on all the other features slated for iPad-3 like Higher screen Resolution, Better Chipset, Better GPU but not sure about LTE.
I understand but I don't agree. However, no one answered the question bout data packages.
I understand but I don't agree. However, no one answered the question bout data packages.

I'm guessing you will have the same non-contractual options as the previous 3G iPads. I'm in the US, so I'm not sure what those options are in your part of the world. That said, there are no guarantees. We just have to wait and see what they say when it is announced. If the contract options are going to change, that's when we'll hear about it (probably).

Another words, I can't answer you because there is no way to know at this time. There aren't even any rumors about contract terms, as far as I know.
Witt Whats the release date? And where can I preorder one to get it on the release date? Best Buy? What is LTE? I have an Ipad 2 with wi-fi 16 gig This time I want wi-fi, 4 g and 32 gig. Probably pay 600 for that aye?

No release date. Best guess is March, but it's only a guess based on the iPad 2 release.

No one will know specs until they are announced. Everything is speculation at this time.

More memory, faster processors, longer battery life, better camera, GSM and CDMA in one box, all speculation of course.

LTE is a 4G technology that provides faster data speeds than the current 3G wireless data specification.
Cool. Thanks. If there's not LTE, I'm not buying iPad 3. My iPad 2 would be sufficient and I'll just tether and save 700 upfront. I'm hoping for march release as well. It might be my first ever time to queue.
I would bet against LTE. Even with the newest LTE devices like the Galaxy Nexus, LTE still eats up serious amounts of battery life. You might be waiting for the iPad4.
No one knows anything for certain. On March 7, Apple is making a big announcement that almost everyone expects to be about the iPad 3. Until then, Apple will keep mum about what will happen. I would not expect any changes to the data plans. LTE is a better name for the upgrade from 3G because it is not up to true 4G standards, despite what some companies claim.
Seadog said:
No one knows anything for certain. On March 7, Apple is making a big announcement that almost everyone expects to be about the iPad 3. Until then, Apple will keep mum about what will happen. I would not expect any changes to the data plans. LTE is a better name for the upgrade from 3G because it is not up to true 4G standards, despite what some companies claim.

I won't part with my grandfathered unlimited data unless forced to so. ;). All my devices are made for 3G Data.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
I won't part with my grandfathered unlimited data unless forced to so. ;). All my devices are made for 3G Data.

That's my thinking, too, especially if 4G battery life sucks. I have grandfathered unlimited 3G on iPad and iPhone, and I'm paying only a fraction of what new accounts cost.

I might bite the bullet and switch to 4G for a new Android phone that I really want, but not if battery life sucks. If it does suck, I might buy the non-U.S. model, which is 3G, even though I would have to pay more than double because there would be no U.S. carrier subsidy.

For me, faster speed is pointless with crappy battery life.
Kaykaykay said:
That's my thinking, too, especially if 4G battery life sucks. I have grandfathered unlimited 3G on iPad and iPhone, and I'm paying only a fraction of what new accounts cost.

I might bite the bullet and switch to 4G for a new Android phone that I really want, but not if battery life sucks. If it does suck, I might buy the non-U.S. model, which is 3G, even though I would have to pay more than double because there would be no U.S. carrier subsidy.

For me, faster speed is pointless with crappy battery life.

Yes and now I tether my iPad to iPhone to save 10.00 on iPad 3G data. iPhone is still unlimited.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 With IOS 5.01 Update From NYC using iPF
I had to give up my unlimited. I kinda want the iPad plan rather than the tether because I want to be able I turn it off from month to month. AT&T won't let you downgrade anymore.

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