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why isnt there a graphic design category in iPad apps store


iPF Noob
Sep 17, 2011
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I'm new to the iPad 2 and have been searching for graphic design apps like the App store in Lion. Searching for drawing, sketching, painting apps seems to be a long process by searching for each item and still not finding everything available.

While finding such items under let's say under Sketch: the apps shown will show that they might be listed under Entertainment or Productivity and so on.

So my question is it seems it would make things much easier for both user and designer of apps to have a main category listed as Graphic Design for iPad apps.

Unless of course I'm just missing a trick or two on my own devices.

I tried to search the heading I listed here to see if this has been touched on yet and I had no such luck.
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So no responses? Is this placed in the wrong section?
It's hard to respond when all we can say is: "We agree, the App Store is laid out poorly." It is hard to find stuff in there by simple browsing.

Maybe try a Google search to see if you can find apps that way? Then, should you find some, you can go directly to that app in the store.

Sorry to be of no help - but the only people who can "fix" the category search in the App Store is Apple...

Thank you, I think I understand much better now. I guess this has been brought before?

I tried searching for a thread on it but wasn't having any luck I guess with the choice of words I was using.
Most everything you're looking for is under photography section, which doesn't make any sense really when you want painting, or drawing. Try an app called Discvr Apps. Name an app and it will find similar ones. .
Thank you for the tip dougrogers, this app is a bit addicting.

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