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What music are you listening to right now!?!?

Gee, Kevin. I thought my musical tastes were eclectic! My LP collection also includes Anna Russell, PDQ Bach, and the usual suspects from Gilbert & Sullivan.
There isn't much I won't listen to. I've been getting heavily into choral music lately, which I would once have avoided.

Mozart - Apollo Et Hyacinthus K.38

In this recording, the opera is performed as originally intended; by boys between the ages of 12 and 16. One adult appears, the father of Hyacinthus and Melia. The composer was actually younger at the time of writing than the youngest of the performers. The opera was written when he was 11 years old.

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I've been getting heavily into choral music lately, which I would once have avoided.

Then you won't want to miss the Berlioz Requiem. My favorite recording is the Robert Shaw/Atlanta on Telarc, but I attended a magnificent performance by the St. Louis Symphony under Leonard Slatkin, with a combined chorus of over 200 voices. I still get goosebumps thinking about it!
Then you won't want to miss the Berlioz Requiem. My favorite recording is the Robert Shaw/Atlanta on Telarc, but I attended a magnificent performance by the St. Louis Symphony under Leonard Slatkin, with a combined chorus of over 200 voices. I still get goosebumps thinking about it!
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I have a few recordings by Shaw/Atlanta, mostly on Telarc CD. I also have his Carmina Burana on vinyl. I've been considering buying the CD version, but have baulked so far since I have a stupid number of copies already, like 24, including 3 complete Trionfi, 2 piano/percussion copies and a version by Ray Manzarek playing who-knows-what.
Then you won't want to miss the Berlioz Requiem. My favorite recording is the Robert Shaw/Atlanta on Telarc, but I attended a magnificent performance by the St. Louis Symphony under Leonard Slatkin, with a combined chorus of over 200 voices. I still get goosebumps thinking about it!
Talking of live performances, I checked off a bucket list item a while back with a performance of Beethoven’s 9th by the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra.

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