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Untethered jailbreak for iPad 2 to be out in no time


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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When last week, an untethered jailbreak for all iOS 5.01. devices was unraveled except for the most important ones of the bunch – the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2, a lot of people were puzzled and wondered what was going on?

Apparently, just a little time lag. Hacker pod2g is all set to deliver the jailbreak that will land on Apple’s golden boy in just one week. The news couldn’t be more exciting for those wanting to set their iDevices free. It’s a good step for pod2g as well. He tweeted the following:

“I made a step today for the A5. With some luck we could expect a release in a week.”

Pod2g is pretty popular in the world of hacking and jailbreaking and previously released a bunch of popular jailbreak tools such as redsn0w, PwnageTool and Corona. The upcoming jailbreak for the iPhone 4 is expected to be untethered, which basically translates into devices being able to reboot freely without some additional software boot tethered to a computer.

Pod2g is not the only hacker in the business of trying to jailbreak the iPhone 4S. Just last week, another well known iPhone hacker called p0sixninja announced that users who wished to get their iPhone 4S and iPad 2 jailbroken would have to update them. This is proof that a jailbreak is on its way. No specific details are known, nevertheless.
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so like how is the way of jailbreaking it gonna be like?
Tethered for the ipad2?? Where what how did I miss summat? I don't mind a tethered JB For now... Can I do it on 5.0.1?
No, sorry, there is no tethered jailbreak for the iPad2 on iOS 5 (and no untethered either).

That paragraph was a misprint.


in other side well that be good... there are so many things to be consider... ^^cheer-up,,
Supio said:
Is it really worth Jailbreaking a Ipad ?

That's the million solar question as it were. There's loads of threads in this forum as well as on the Internet that will provide you with plenty of arguments for doing it. It's just up to personal choice if you want to take the leap. Personally I'm happy with stock iOS so have never really considered it. Its something I've always been intrigued by, because I loved modding my palm pre, but I've never actually had the will to do :).

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Great news just need it released.....thanks Dream Team.....

“@MuscleNerd: props to @saurik for major contributions to the A5 version of @pod2g's untether yesterday! (still no ETA, but moving forward)”
Tazz229 said:
Tethered for the ipad2?? Where what how did I miss summat? I don't mind a tethered JB For now... Can I do it on 5.0.1?

Is there a jailbreak for ipad2 4.3.5 or higher please let me know thanks
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im in a different country than america, will cydia provide the same features and free apps as it does in one country? or is it like the app store ( different apps in different countries). thanx BTW for the info (Y) :)

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