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Traveling with ipad

Henry2,you mentioned theft in one of your posts and it reminded me of the experience my son went through. He was in the military at the time being deployed to Iraq but was sent to California for a weeks special training before flying to Kuwait,he was in uniform wearing his dog tags,he took them off and put them in the small tray along with his watch,he went through the security door and walked to the end of the conveyor to pick up his small bag and the tray containing his dog tags and watch,surprise,surprise,there was no watch,my son said where is my watch,dumb looks from a couple of the TSA guys so he said he wanted to speak to the head of security,a few minutes later a guy in a suit came up to my son and asked what the trouble was,he told the man about the incident and was asked to make out a report which he did. The headman was very nice and told my son that had a few bad apples and they were trying to weed them out,my son told the man who he thought had picked up the watch but could not prove he had it. My son moved on without his watch but two hours later his wife back in St.Louis receives a pone call from security telling her that they had recovered the watch and was mailing it to her. The watch had been found in the Toilet and turned in,however my son had never been in that toilet,he thinks the TSA guy got cold feet and dumped the watch there in case he was searched.

not the sidetrack post ..it has come up that the some of the tsa people had gone through people bags and stuff has come up missing ..

in one report i read the person was missing a few items from there bag ..one of the bottle of very nice whiskey was missing after the bag was subect to search .when asked where was the whiskey the person was told there was no whiskey in the bag and never did find some the whiskey and along with cash and jewelry has been missing from people luggage
The main problem with having bag locks which have common keys available. I can understand the requirement for it, but seriously limits someones ability to secure their own property - which then raises other problems when you think about the whole "has anyone asked you to carry anything?" series of questions.... "nope, but you're about to take my bags away from me for the next 3 hours....".
... I asked the guy what could I possibly hide behind the case that they could not find on the first screen check.
Travelers are required to remove laptops from their cases and place them in a separate tote by itself. Why would you expect TSA to *not* require the same for your iPad? It's the same concept.

instead of hire just anyone ..they need to do like the other small federal agencys do and send the personal to FLETC in Ga area to do a basic classroom set up to get the training along with haveing a hard look at the hireing of the personal and screen out the bad ones from the good ones ..have a set of standards that they have to meet or they are gone..they must be held to a higher standard as other agencys out there when working with the security and safety of the american people ..
TSOs (screeners) are *not* certified law enforcement officers. The are government employed (glorified) security guards. That's why they don't go to places like FLETC. They would need to spend five or six times as much to train and maintain them as LEOs, and the budget for that just isn't there.
... I asked the guy what could I possibly hide behind the case that they could not find on the first screen check.
Travelers are required to remove laptops from their cases and place them in a separate tote by itself. Why would you expect TSA to *not* require the same for your iPad? It's the same concept.

quote]TSOs (screeners) are *not* certified law enforcement officers. The are government employed (glorified) security guards. That's why they don't go to places like FLETC. They would need to spend five or six times as much to train and maintain them as LEOs, and the budget for that just isn't there.

that the problem after nine years your are telling me that have not gotten there s==== togerther and along with beening able to hire a better class of people than the local retards that they seam to hire ..the smart one move on and the dumbs one make the boss and they keep doing the the same mistakes over and over in there hireing programs..to me by weeding out the stupid ones in the job and keep the smart ones ..

when it been proven time and time again that they have failed massives test on the security of the airport and how they screen passages for weapons and other things and your telling me that if you failed a test 20 times of 22 you should be able to keep your job and keep doing the job that is begins the safe flight for the people in the airport.. they need to start getting rid of the people who fail the test and us them as a the basic example to all others saying if you fail three test in a row you are gone and there is no if or anns about it ...so do not tell this socalled tsa works should not be held accountable for the mistakes that they make when it comes to there work ..if they fail three test in a row they are gone ..not 20 times of 22 and they are still working that b.s. ..they get a failing grade when it comes to how and why they need to bring in a private concracters or make the tsa work for it super..

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