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Strange scrolling of screenshots in app store



I did a search but couldn't find anything so hope somebody might be able to come up with an answer for me.

I have noticed that when viewing apps in the store, when scrolling through the screenshots, it won't scroll all the way along and just keeps springing back. I can eventually manage to get it to scroll but it's really diddly and annoying. I know if there are no more screenshots it won't scroll any further but I am talking about when there are definitely more to look at.

Hope I've explained that clearly enough. Am wondering if anybody else has this or has in the past and resolved it, would be interested to hear how. Lol.

It's not a major issue, just a very irritating one.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance, oh, I'm on the iPad 2, 32g wifi only just in case you need to know and it's behaved like this pretty much from the word go.

From Alison, Sent from my iPad using iPF
Nope, Alison, you are not alone.

Unfortunately, I don't know the solution - so I'm just commiserating with you. :D

Guess we just learn to live with it, along with all the other "quirks" of that App Store.

Oh, but you can find the app on the Internet (I usually Google the app title in quotes plus the word app - gets me right to the Internet version of the app description). On the web, the pictures move over.

Yeah, not wonderful, but what else can you do? :)

I have the same problem too...

Not sure why it's like that..


Oh good, at least I know I'm not alone. My neighbour upstairs to me says his scrolls fine, very strange.

From Alison, Sent from my iPad using iPF
Well, how odd, it seems to have righted itself for now. What I did was to place my finger lightly to the far right of the first screenshot and move it very slowly until the next pic was at the centre, I then waited a second or two and released my finger. Took a while of having to do this but it somehow seems to have put it right. Might just be coincidence but who knows. Lol

From Alison, Sent from my iPad using iPF

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