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Some one in are family does not want a ipad


iPF Noob
Dec 24, 2010
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They do not want a ipad do to it does not have a USP port, firewire port ,no slots for memory card or flash memory :(:(

No CD/DVD or blu ray drive :(

Can you get a docker station to hook up to the ipad to give some of these ports?

I'm trying say the only way to transfer stuff is by bluetooth.
I agree the problem here is many and I mean many people resist changes they believe they have to have all of the above to use a computer which is not the case. If it does not have USB, big hard drive and 4 ghz ram and a DVD drive it is useless. Go buy a pc laptop with blue ray DVD/cd drives USB ports 650 gb drive, 4 tbs ram blue tooth video dedicated card and all the other stuff and a low battery life and live the moment. My iPad has replaced my MacBook for everything I do but that is my choice. Hope you find what you want
I was reading some where here about getting accessories or add ons.Do not know if there is any docker stations or not.
Further to the above i was sort of harsh sorry about that. My
Suggestion is take this family person to an apple store and show the iPad to him or her and let them play. What exactly does the family member do day to day on a computer just curious. i have several users and friends whom had they same issues however once they understood the concept of how the iPad functioned they fell in love. Recently a close friend wanted to buy a small 13" lap top to use while travelling Europe because of all of the above. I convinced her to purchase a 3 g / wifi iPad with camera kit. She just arrived back and I could not stop her raving how useful the iPad was on her holiday and how fantastic it was to upload her Picts from the movie camera and still camera to the iPad and preview every thing she did. Just a point to share with you.

For playing music yes docking stations exist. Apple also has a USB adapter for camera and sd support.
The only thing you can connect to it is a keyboard, and a camera connectionkit, which will let you put images onto the iPad from a camera. The features you are looking for are not available at this time.
Bluetooth is limited to head sets and speakers not for transfer of data from iPad to computer iTunes is main method of transfer other than using cloud base storage which is what most do. What do you wish to transfer then we can provide the correct solutions as other wise it is hit and miss
How do you transfer from ipad to computer or computer to ipad.

What do you do when the hard-drive is full ?
iTunes is the application on a pc or macintosh computer. The iPad has a special USB cable to connect. Before I go any further i do not think you understand the concept of the iPad as apposed to say a typical pc. The apps are very small I have over 100 installed on a 32gb iPad plus i have 20 movies not to mention close to over 1000 pictures and some 1500 songs. Their is no hard drive as one has on a pc it is solid state and up to 64 gb in size. Every thing is on demand that is instant on no wait. With wifi i am from start up of safari on the Internet in a few seconds. One currently needs a pc or mac to back up and synced music . I suggest that you should go to an apple store yourself and do abit of research about the iPad then i know you will have a clearer picture. The iPad storage is more than enough for 90% of users. It is more about management using iTunes .
So you use that special USB to and from the computer and have to use the iTunes ?

That say I do some work on the ipad how would I back it up on a computer .

Again let us know what you want to use the iPad for then we can at best advise if it is a suitable device

I would use iworks,google maps ,internet ,e-mail ,chat ,e-books ,itues that is all.I would use my main computer for watching TV ,games ,movies and big downloads of the internet.

Note I do alot of Word processing ,notes ,Spreadsheets ..

I would use the main computer for web design ,desk top publishing ,graphics design ,video editing ,games ,HD movies and big downloads..
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It's xmas day here and I have to help with dinner I will let other users explain it may be worth your time searching our iPadforums threads as all the answers are there. I will be on line again maybe late 26th as I am working all day.

Cheers Colin
Hey iPaders,
You can hook up an iPad keyboard w/bluetooth. Also the standard Mac bluetooth keyboard works as well. I have one since I didn't need the iPad version. I am sure you know the above, so I use this occasion to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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