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Short and simple review.


iPF Noob
Dec 24, 2010
Reaction score
Bought my iPad 16GB w/3G in May 2010.

Our family uses it more than any other device in the home.

We love it, and give it 5/5 stars and would recommend it to anyone.

Review done. :)
Agree especially with using it more than any other device- im using my laptop properly, first time since september, just so it doesn't think i hate it!
Love it! Mine is used every day which is the ultimate sign of endorsement, as I like gadgets lots but tend to not use them as often after a little while. My iPhones have stayed in the constant used category and iPad hasn't gone a day unused in the almost month I've had it.
But anyway, I love your short, sweet review! :)
Was reading Apples latest financial figures on the iPad this morning when our two year old forcible removed it, fired up the Trainz app and proceeded to run his engines off the rails with glad cries of Crash! Crash!......
It's a boy needless to say.
I would give the same review. I usually getthe latest and greatest and then the newness would wear off and I'd be used to it or relegate it to occasional use.

After 7 months, this has not happened with the iPad. It's an every day, as often as I can type of thing to use.

That surprised me - but I loves me my iPad!

After a year with the old iPad, and now with my new one, I use it enough every day to kill the battery, and many days have to finish the day with it plugged in to finish the day! That's how I justified my purchase of the new one to myself! I'm a gadget geek, love new tech, but I've never used ANY item as much as I have my iPad!
I completely agree. I absolutely LOVE my iPad and to be honest I'm not sure how I lived without it before...

iPad has definitely become a necessity!
Love my ipad, it hasn't been put down in 5 months and when I have to update( I have to force myself) it, I use my iPhone instead. So! win win. Couldn't exist without either of them.
I've had my 16g wifi iPad since January. There isn't a day goes by when I don't use it. I love the games, surfing the net, shopping, eBay, Facebook, the list is endless!

I've now found out how to download DVD's so I can watch my films. I can listen to my favourite music and I can access all my photos.

My only regret is that I didn't buy the 32g version.
I think it is great you like the device. But no one really seems to have any details why other than "its great". I guess I should've expected that from reading the title.

My guess is you are using the lame virtual keyboard and don't have enough energy to type a long review with it. Am I right?

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