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Random missing album artwork

the dills

iPF Noob
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Having just bought some Sonos speakers, a lot of tidying was needed in iTunes. This I have now done (the hard way!).

I know that all the tracks are in the right albums and that every track has the right artwork.

Sonos displays all the right artwork as does iTunes 11.xxx and Apple TV.

We have an iPad 4 and two iPhone 4S set to share iTunes music but when displaying by song some of the artwork is randomly missing on each device.
The missing artwork is not for the same tracks or albums on any of the devices.

Anyone have any ideas?


All the artwork is from jpg's pasted into each track. The jpg's are all within the size limits.

At first sight the 2 phones and iPad leave out the same artwork each time they connect to the home share BUT each device leaves out different artwork to the other! i.e. Phone 1 leaves out artwork (A) on track 15 whilst phone 2 and the ipad display it. Phone 1 consistently leaves it out (thus far)

All 3 devices leave at least a dozen jpg's or so even though they appear against other tracks on each device

I can only guess that the problem stems from iTunes itself


In my experience it can take multiple iTunes-Computer to iOS-device syncs before all artwork appears.

Then there is the fact that you can copy multiple pieces of art into the Info of a track in iTunes. If there is more than one picture, then maybe it will cause problems. That is pure guesswork. I have nothing to back it up.

No other ideas.
I suspect that in my case, a few reboots may sort it out.
I'm not actually syncing music from iTunes to any devices, just homesharing.
The Sonos setup should have no effect since this runs solely off my NAS drive using an exact and isolated copy of my music folder

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What artwork shows up in each mobile device is still completely random with the iPad 4 coming off worst.

Perhaps it's the way that I pasted jpgs in.

Under artist, virtually no artwork is displayed on any mobile, whilst 99% of albums and 90% of tracks show it.

Any ideas?

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Home sharing has never been overly fast or reliable in my experience; though it's been better since I got the new Airport Express (router). Since it has to send each and every album cover you view over the network there is plenty of room for error. I hear my hard drive kick in every time I start scrolling through the Album list when I'm connected to my iMac's library.

I suppose larger jpgs might be more likely to fail than small ones. Then again it's more likely that thumbnails are being synced and displayed than the full art.

I don't use Home Sharing often, though I can see how it would be attractive to those with larger residences and more devices.

As I play with it now, I'm getting all the album thumbnails for the Album and Song tabs, but the Artist tab shows only a few. Playlists seems to be slowly loading artwork until, yes, all artwork is now showing.

As for pasting jpgs, I do have a few albums I've done that with, but by and large the artwork was synced from iTunes. If memory serves I've probably added artwork to about 20 albums. I used various methods, but mostly I just drug them from Safari on the iMac to the album artwork pane in iTunes.
Just before Christmas I ran a network cable through the loft from the study to the lounge and thus my Apple TV amongst other kit is hardwired to my network.

artwork on the hardwired Apple TV is spot on which bears out your comments on wireless. Equally, wireless sync with iTunes has been a waste of space. None of our mobiles have ever synced consistently and we gave up using it.

We only have 2500 tracks on about 100 albums. Anyone with more has my sympathy.

The irony is that I only tidied iTunes to put right errors thrown up by my Sonos system. Now, under Sonos, every track, album and artist's artwork displays spot on when and where it should and from exactly the same files and info created and used by iTunes whilst poor old iTunes struggles to be complete or consistent.

As my wife rightly pointed out, there is really little point in wasting time on home sharing to the mobiles. Sonos and Apple TV has it covered.

Regards and thanks
No problem.

If you really want all your music on the devices at the least cost of storage space, iTunes Match works very well. At least it does for me. It will use network data though, so you need to take that into consideration.

As a bonus, it removes adds from iTunes Radio.

But it does cost $25 a year. Up to you whether it is worth the price. Unless you're mobile a lot, probably not.
I think I'll just accept that iTunes 11 has a number of failings and see whether 12 puts it all to rights. To be fair the only thing I actually use on mobiles is my synced podcasts. If I need mobile music I put what i want on an mp3 player.
For around the house the Sonos is unbeatable since it includes internet radio.

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Before iTunes Match, I made a few Smart Playlists and a few normal ones. For instance, I almost always like to listen to Jazz, so I made a Smart Playlist with Jazz as the genre and 4 stars as a minimum rating. I did the same with a few other genres. I also like guitar music, so a have a playlist that I drop mostly instrumental guitar tracks whenever I buy one.

I set just those playlists to sync. It kept the size down to a few hundred tracks (I have over 3000) and guaranteed I'd have something I'd probably enjoy listening to if the occasion arose.

I have a shuffle, an older classic iPod, and and a 2nd gen iPod Touch. All of them still work and the last two will hold my entire library. I just don't like carrying extra stuff when the phone will do it all.

I kept less music on the iPad, since I almost never use it to listen to music.

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