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Radiology Devices & Applications


iPF Noob
Jun 6, 2012
Reaction score
United States
Does the iPad have any Radiology applications/devices available?

I worked in the hospitals in the past and we did not have the technology which is available today. I am home with my children for now, but wondered what was available for radiologists, radiological technologists, as well as nurses in this area.
Hello SKP1001 - I just responded to another of your posts on medical wallpaper. The iPad is impacting on the medical profession in many ways and radiology is not being left behind; again use Google and enter 'iPad radiology apps' - one that I just finished reading is Linked HERE - take a look!

Of course, medical textbooks at all levels are being released in e-editions - I'm a recently retired academic radiologist and one of the last books that I helped to write and edit is shown below and is available as a Kindle purchase on Amazon - SO much to explore in your question - good luck! :)

Does the iPad have any Radiology applications/devices available?

I worked in the hospitals in the past and we did not have the technology which is available today. I am home with my children for now, but wondered what was available for radiologists, radiological technologists, as well as nurses in this area.

Hi SKP...

What exactly are you looking for in terms of radiology profession...or are you looking at things in general within the Medical Field?

Have you looked at the Medscape App? I am sure that you are familiar with this app since it is readily used by many health care professionals. I use it quite a bit both at the clinic as well as at home.

See this thread that I created regarding Medscape and Merck Manual. The Medscape has a great deal of information here and the good thing is that it is free!

O[/URL]pe this helps you with your find. Let us know what you come up with!

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