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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
Reaction score
Western NY state (USA)

As promised, here is my review of the new ZAGGmate, a Bluetooth keyboard/case combo for the iPad. It's going to be long, so be prepared (or skip it). The short review: Me likes and it's a welcome addition to my iPad! The long review:

Starting off, I have to give ZAGG points for presentation. This keyboard is a nice piece of kit! It seems very well put together; the keys are firm and very responsive. The iPad fits snugly into the case when I want to use it as a cover. I don't feel it'll drop out and I for sure feel that it's protected when it's in the case. I like to use my iPad "naked" and, when it's not in the case - or when I'm not typing something - I can just carry the iPad. No extra covers... Very good. We'll see how snugly it continues to fit as I use it, but so far, so good. I did buy a ZAGGskin for the back of the iPad, given that now it's just "hanging all out there."

I was a little concerned over a plastic keyboard constantly touching the glass of my iPad, but it's not. There are three higher areas of the keyboard that actually touch the iPad face (the keyboard is recessed further than these areas). These areas are covered with this soft rubbery-like stuff (scientific terms here!). The point is, only those soft bits are touching my precious baby. One concern alleviated.

The keyboard came with a cable for charging. It had a mini-USB at one end (to go into the ZAGGmate) and a regular USB connection at the other end. It did not come with an actual AC connector, so you'll have to plug it in to your PC/Mac or a powered USB hub. Fortunately, I had a spare AC/USB connector, so I was able to plug it right in for recharging. Granted, I guess you could use the iPad's connector. I guess including a regular AC adaptor wouldn't have made such a nice sllm package on the shelf. But still...

I noticed some people were worried about the edge of the keyboard cutting into, or bothering the wrists. I don't find that to be a problem. I am a touch typist and if I hold my hands properly, they don't even touch the front of the keyboard. When I get lazy and rest my hands, I'm still not bothered by the lip in front. The cutaway is just enough.

The keyboard paired right up with the iPad on first start. You get directions for that and they work great. Now that it's paired to the iPad, I leave the Bluetooth on [the iPad] and turn off the keyboard when I'm not using it. Then, when I turn on the keyboard, it automatically pairs up with the iPad. I'll have to see how keeping the Bluetooth on affects my battery. I'm not worried, though, as I plug the iPad in nightly. It's now 7pm and my iPad/Bluetooth have been on since 6am this morning - I have 47% battery left. Worse comes to worse, I'll just turn off Bluetooth when I turn off the keyboard.

Some neat features:

- The function keys! There are some specifically set up to 1) operate the home button (including the doubletap to switch apps), 2) open the search function, 3) start a slideshow, 4) hide/show the iPad keyboard, 5) darken the screen - and make it come back again (just like the sleep button), 6), 7) & 8) volume up, down & mute, 9), 10) & 11) play/pause, previous/next track and 12) international keyboard toggle. Very handy, having these keys. And, they work just as if you are using the iPad controls.

- The arrow keys are neat. *The keyboard has up, down, left and right. And, not only are they fully functioning, they also help to copy/cut/paste. No more little magnifying glass when using this keyboard. Oh, and no two-finger swipe in a dialog window ... can just use the arrow keys. Nice! :)

- You can also use some keyboard shortcuts, such as those for copy and paste. It appears as if they are based on Mac shortcuts, which I'll have to learn (Cmd C = copy, cmd V= paste). There are more, I'm just not familiar with them (I've never had a Mac/Apple product until this iPad...).

- The plastic hinge to prop the iPad works as expected, but I don't really like it. For one, it props the iPad up on a higher angle than I'd like, though that may make some people happy. Plus, when the iPad is fitted into the slot, it just feels as if I am closed in. It's hard to describe, but it kind of puts me off balance. I'll just continue to use my cheap wire rack holder-thingy. 'Sides, I like that I can have the iPad on the table (or tiny school desk) while I have the keyboard in my lap, typing. Don't get me wrong, it appears to be very stable while propped up in that keyboard slot. And, I've just tried typing in my lap ... which is fine. Which leads me to the next point,

- The iPad is VERY stable in this little slot. It doesn't look it from the pictures, but it's not really going anywhere. I had the keyboard flat on my lap with the iPad in the slot. I then tilted the whole set-up back and only when I reached a 45 degree angle did I start to worry whether the iPad was going to stay in place (yes, I had my hand behind it ... I ain't stooopid! :D). But, that was one of my worries, which appears to be unfounded as it seems very secure. Yay!

I'm sure I'll find out more of what this keyboard can do as I go along. One thing is, the Delete key is actually a backspace key and I can't find a Delete function (where you can delete text to the right of the cursor). It's early days yet, maybe it's there. It would've helped if ZAGG had included a bit more than the rudimentary instructions they did, but that's okay. The arrow keys (and, of course, my finger!) make not having a real Delete key no big deal. The other thing is figuring out the key shortcuts ... which are Mac-centric. I've got a bit of a learning curve here...

Overall, I am 99% thrilled I got this thing. The other 1% is from trying to work a new keyboard (STILL hitting Ns for Bs! - and the space bar is hard to activate). I'll bet that once I a) break it in or b) get used to it, my satisfaction will jump up to 100%. It's that good. I've also got my expirimenting to do to see what exactly this thing/can will do. Looking forward to continuing to play with/use it. Bottom line- I'm in love!

I cannot recommend this case highly enough. This is a perfect solution to my desire for a case, a keyboard and to use the iPad [mostly] naked. I am very pleased and would buy it all over again. Now, I am off to buy a ZAGGskin for the back of the cover/keyboard so I don't scratch up that pretty aluminum. Buying a protective cover for a protective cover. Now that's just SAD ... :D

Let me know if you have any specific questions and thanks for reading to the end. Have a great day/evening!




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Marilyn, I Hate You!

Why did you have to write such a comprehensive review of the Zaggmate? I really wanted you to tell us that you hated it and that it was a complete waste of money and you were going to demand your money back!!!

I guess I'm going to have to buy it now. I was on the fence about this accessory. But I'm using my iPad more and more to write documents and the virtual keyboard was really cramping my speed and producing a lot of errors. When I saw this product announcement and got an email directly from Zagg, I was going to ignore this information and just live with the way things are.

So now you write your review. Thanks a whole lot Marilyn. (seriously, thank you for your review--well done.)
ZAGGmate function keys

I work at ZAGG and appreciate your comments. To help with your function keys, here are some basics:
Copy: Command C
Cut: Command X
Paste: Command V
Undo: Command Z
End: Command right arrow
Beginning: Command Left Arrow
Page UP: Command Up Arrow
Page Down: Command Down Arrow
Select All: Command A
Select Left: Shift Left
Select Right: Shift Right
Select Down: Shift Down
Select Up: Shift Up

Play around with them a bit. You'll really like the select functions rather than needing to touch the screen all the time. Enjoy.
Okay. This is what I TOTALLY want now. I wonder if I can return the Brookstone one? But I am confused. BestBuy states that it is in store AND that it is backordered. It states I can pick it up tomorrow AND that it will be shipped to the store in 1-2 weeks. I do not understand. It is either one or the other...I also want the leather skin...Does anyone know what it means when availability states tomorrow AND 1-2 weeks? Thanks!
I work at ZAGG and appreciate your comments. To help with your function keys, here are some basics:

...[snipped some nice tips to save space] ...

Play around with them a bit. You'll really like the select functions rather than needing to touch the screen all the time. Enjoy.

Thanks for the tips! I will play with them (after writing them down so I can have them handy). Very nice "toy" your company made, BTW. Lovin' it!

@Galaxy Faraway: Yes, you can both order the keyboard from Best Buy (which'll take two weeks) OR you can go in person to get one. I guess they got a pre-shipment, cause they are definitely there. Oh, but sometimes you'll have to search the store and MAKE the salesperson look them up in their system to prove they are there ... most of the salespeople have no clue (I found my keyboard in a spot f-a-r away from the iPad section .. after a search. Good luck!

@Matt: Sorry, buddy, but I gots to call 'em as I see 'em. Guess you'll just have to get one... :D


- Who typed this (very rapidly, by the way) on her new ZAGGmate keyboard (!)
Mickey330, thanks for the reveiw.

I'm also thinking to get one for my new ipad....

From the video, I still need invisibleshield for full body protection, right?

Also, I won't use much keyboard. Is it worth to have the case alone?
Mickey330, thanks for the reveiw.

I'm also thinking to get one for my new ipad....

From the video, I still need invisibleshield for full body protection, right?

Also, I won't use much keyboard. Is it worth to have the case alone?

Yes, if you want your screen protected while you are using it, or while it's out of the case, you'll want the invisibleshield for the glass. I don't like them, myself, but I should imagine it'll fit and be just fine.

I honestly don't know about the case without the keyboard. I mean, it is an aluminum cover for the front of your iPad, so that's good. I just never considered it as I was immediately wanting the case with the keyboard. I'm sorry I can't be more help...

Oh, but sometimes you'll have to search the store and MAKE the salesperson look them up in their system to prove they are there ... most of the salespeople have no clue (I found my keyboard in a spot f-a-r away from the iPad section .. after a search. Good luck!


- Who typed this (very rapidly, by the way) on her new ZAGGmate keyboard (!)

Sooooo, where exactly was that spot? My store says 5 in stock but my son can't find one!
Nice looking case, I'am already on my 3rd case but , this is a different type of case for sure.
Sooooo, where exactly was that spot? My store says 5 in stock but my son can't find one!

Oh, I wish I could help you! If I remember correctly, they found it in the computer cases aisle - tucked away in a corner. It was right by a kid's cover (at least, the cover had a very childish cartoon on it). To be honest, it was quite by accident that I found it...

This was the THIRD Best Buy store I had been to, looking for this thing (really didn't want to wait for my pre-order to ship ... figured it was worth a shot). Well, I called one - but still! The sales clerk's have no clue! The only thing they are good for is looking in their computer to tell you "yep, we have x-number on hand, but we don't know where they are."

The only advice I can give you (or your son) is to just look through the whole store. Check the keyboard section, the iPad section, the case section, etc. Here's a link to a picture of what the package looks like:
http://static.seekingalpha.com/uplo...-129060954168542-Worthless-Pennies_origin.jpg. Maybe that'll help.

Good luck on your search. Actually, I hope ZAGG.com sees this post. Because they need to know how poorly Best Buy is doing at having their product available for customers...

Anyway - good luck.

Ah the picture will help... Our store says 5 on and but yeah not one to be seen...my friend found one at her store, under the iPad display. I'm going to go look myself tomorrow.
Best Buy Placement

I want to appologize on behalf of ZAGG for the difficulty you have had trying to locate the ZAGGmate in your local Best Buy stores. Launching a new product at this time of year can be difficult. You can be sure we will get this resolved as quickly as possible as it is what's best for everyone involved. We truly appreciate your patience and your heads up. This is very helpful information. Thank you.
Just quoted so you know Im askin you Marilyn lol. does the ipad still autocorrect spelling at all? just wonderin lol

Yep, the autocorrect still works fine. Though I'm not too sure about having autocorrect. I like it telling me my spelling is wrong, but don't change words on me!! So, mostly, I don't use autocorrect. But, that's enough about my problems! :D

The ZaggMate works as if it is using the iPad keyboard, with a few extras added on (arrow keys!). So, all functions work fine.

Hope this helps.


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