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Overnight 8-hr Charge stopped at 65%



My iPad 3 64gb/4G seemed to throw a wobbly during the night, in that.. I thought I'd give it a good charge cycle by running it right down, and give it a full recharge.

So at 1% I put it on charge using the proper 10watt charger, expecting to see it fully charged when I got up 8-hrs later, but when I just came to check, it strangly was displaying the 'Not Charging message' and was only showing 65% charged... so why did it stop at 65% ? mine doesn't normally get very warm at all, and it's pretty cold here in the night so I doubt it's temperature related. I'm hoping it was just a poor connection..

As soon as I unplugged the connector and re-inserted it again the 'Not Chargng message' went off and it's now charging again.

It may have just been a poor connection during the early hours, as unlike the iPad one which is sensibly designed around the edge, the thinner rounded edge iPads leave a bit to be desired I think, with regard to how well the connectors fit, as half 30way charging connector never goes into the iPad at all due to the rounded edge. When pushed in, it seems as though it only just about makes a connection... the square shape of the iPad 1 edge was more practical and sensible with regard to it's connectors IMO.

I've no idea what caused it... all I can do is hope there's not a charging issue.. after re-inserting the plug its charging okay and has now reached 70%.

Anyone else had any weird charging issues where it stopped charging part way through a full charge.?
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Me too!

My iPad 3 64gb/4G seemed to throw a wobbly during the night, in that.. I thought I'd give it a good charge cycle by running it right down, and give it a full recharge.

So at 1% I put it on charge using the proper 10watt charger, expecting to see it fully charged when I got up 8-hrs later, but when I just came to check, it strangly was displaying the 'Not Charging message' and was only showing 65% charged... so why did it stop at 65% ? mine doesn't normally get very warm at all, and it's pretty cold here in the night so I doubt it's temperature related. I'm hoping it was just a poor connection..

As soon as I unplugged the connector and re-inserted it again the 'Not Chargng message' went off and it's now charging again.

It may have just been a poor connection during the early hours, as unlike the iPad one which is sensibly designed around the edge, the thinner rounded edge iPads leave a bit to be desired I think, with regard to how well the connectors fit, as half 30way charging connector never goes into the iPad at all due to the rounded edge. When pushed in, it seems as though it only just about makes a connection... the square shape of the iPad 1 edge was more practical and sensible with regard to it's connectors IMO.

I've no idea what caused it... all I can do is hope there's not a charging issue.. after re-inserting the plug its charging okay and has now reached 70%.

Anyone else had any weird charging issues where it stopped charging part way through a full charge.?

Yes, I had that problem yesterday. But last night I plugged it in with about 35% battery and woke up to 85%. It should have been 100%. Whats the deal with the charging?
The only cases of slow charging I've heard of is when someone uses the older 5W iPod/iPhone charger instead of the 10W iPad charger.
I've also heard of it happening when you are using a non-standard cable, perhaps a 3rd party one or an older one from another Apple device. They are sometimes problematic, although you would think a cable is just a cable :)
The ipad 3 simply takes longer to charge due to its bigger battery. I was using the ipad 2 fairly much and it drains down to about 40% and i charge it overnight to get 100%, for the ipad 3, i wake up to between 60-80%, and battery runs down to as low to 10% on a heavy day's use
a Update on this.. I just came to take it off charge.. expecting it to obviously be at 100% now, but before I unplugged it, I noticed it had stopped again at 94%, and the Not Charging message was on again.

I did use the original Apple charger and cable, but I'm now trying the charger and cable from our iPad 1.

Its now charged to 100%, so I think I'll run it down a bit today, and then try recharging with the iPad 1 cable and charger, Which AFAIK is the exactly the same, just to see if I can narrow it down to a cause.. just hope it's not my iPad3.. (Ive put a tiny label on one charger&cable so I can tell them apart...lol) I'll also do a none-destructive reboot, just in case somethings got a bit screwed up.. ;-)

I don't think it's heat related as the rear of the iPad feels fairly cool, with barely a hint of warmth near the lower left where the iPads voltage regulator is situated, though I did notice the charger itself was getting warm.. but most chargers do get slightly warm.

BTW. The 1% to 100% cycle charge (even if it took 3 stages..lol) does seem to have improved the battery a little as it's been on now for 30mins and it's still showing 100%, before this last charge it would fall to 99% after just 2 or 3 mins. So will see what happens over next couple of charges.
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Is it not covered under warranty?

At present no issues like that with mine, if I did, it would be took straight back to the store.
The ipad 3 simply takes longer to charge due to its bigger battery. I was using the ipad 2 fairly much and it drains down to about 40% and i charge it overnight to get 100%, for the ipad 3, i wake up to between 60-80%, and battery runs down to as low to 10% on a heavy day's use

I think you may have mis-understood my post. Most of us are already aware of this, but you would'nt expect it to just stop charging part way through it's re-charge.. ;-) requiring the user to pull the 30way connector out and re-insert it before it continued to charge again, which I had to do twice in order to get it back up to 100%... that's not right.
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Is it not covered under warranty?

At present no issues like that with mine, if I did, it would be took straight back to the store.

Of course it's under warranty.. it's a iPad 3.. it's only 3 weeks old... and while I agree, if it turns out to be a iPad issue it will go back, but would be silly doing so if it just turned out to be something minor like a cable issue... don't you think, plus I could end up with one that may have other issues.. so I need to be sure there is a serious problem before jumping the gun..lol

I'm running the battery down today, and will monitor it over the next few days.. to see if it does it again with another charger and cable.
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well.. something weird going on here.. I've been streaming live TV for 1 hr now, and it's still on 100%... how amazing is that.. always said Apple are clever people.. looks like they have invented a battery at last that never runs down...lol... geeez I am such a lucky fellow..;-) I assume no-one else has a special battery like this one then that always stays at 100%..lol... my dream for a battery that never goes flat has come true at last..lol

Right.. I'll give it one last reboot holding the Home and on-off buttons down... but it looks like this one is totally screwed up... :-((

I turned on 3G and after a few more mins it's just dropped to 99%... we moan when the battery goes down too fast, and wer'e still not happy when it goes down very slowly..lol.. couple days monitoring I think is in order.. at least until I can see if the next charging session is okay or not.
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Hehe....that is indeed some weird business you are reporting. I wonder if there is a little bug hiding in the 5.1 update. Will be interested in your reports over the next few days.
Let it drain flat - until it shuts itself off - then recharge fully. See if that makes a difference, as it will calibrate the charged percent display.
Let it drain flat - until it shuts itself off - then recharge fully. See if that makes a difference, as it will calibrate the charged percent display.

Well though I actually said 1% when I started the overnight charge last night, it did actually close itself down, so that when I plugged the charger in .. just the charging symbol came on in the middle of the screen. (1% was the last charge level I saw.. so probably never shows 0% but closes down instead)

it's been on for 2hr-23mins now and is showing 91% so it's obviously working okay in that it's not stuck on 100% as I first thought. All I can do really is let it go down normally today, and see what happens on the next re-charge.. certainly going down more slowly than previously..seems like it anyway, so must'nt complain about that...:D (3G and location services are off and it's just streaming Live TV from the Net at 45% brightness) will be interesting to see how long it lasts.

The big test is when I put it on charge later.:eek:
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