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Official Dragonvale Fans Chat Thread


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Troon, Scotland
Welcome to the Official Dragonvale Fans Chat Thread!

The various Dragonvale threads in our forums have become a little messy recently. This thread is intended to give all our members who are also Dragonvale Fans a place to chat in an "off-topic" area without disrupting the other DV threads topics.

You are free to chat with other fans of Dragonvale within this thread on any topic provided those topics stay within our rules. That is VERY IMPORTANT :)
You can familiarise yourself with our rules here - Forum Rules - Please Read

The other Dragonvale threads should be used specifically for the purpose stated in their titles as follows:
Friend Requests - http://www.ipadforums.net/friend-requests/46557-friends-dragon-vale.html
Tips & Tricks - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-games/46981-dragonvale-tips-tricks-no-friend-requests.html
Rare Breeding Guide - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-game...g-guide-no-guarantees-no-friend-requests.html

Please don't continue to take those threads off topic, otherwise the staff will impose sanctions on members. Members are reminded that every post contains a "report" button which can be used to alert staff to a post you think requires attention. Please use this mechanism rather than addressing the issue yourself in the thread. ;)

Finally, please remember that whilst there are rules to be followed we are all here to enjoy ourselves and indulge our passions! Let the Dragonvale Chat begin… :D
Hello y'all!! Playing Dragonvale inside while the sun is shining outside and not raining for once here in Oregon. I must put this down and catch some rays! just wanted to say hi and link to this forum. :)
Thank you for this!! People were just talking their lives away on the "Tips and tricks" thread...
I was doing so well saving DC that I treated myself to a fountain. They are too cool.
Although this thread is in theory a good idea, somehow is not the same. Maybe is the idea of having to check two different threads every time I log in (one was more than enough sometimes). Or maybe is the feeling that everything's so constricted, that you have to be so careful of not going off topic for any reason in the other thread under threaten of severe punishments. Maybe it DOES matter that some people are gone. And now 250strong just deleted his thread, the most important thread for newbies coming here looking for help. Maybe he did it as a silent protest but the immediate response from the mods was to close the thread, so once again, it feels as even the slightest disagreement will be knocked off immediately (i mean, what if 250strong was just going to delete it for a day, as a protest, and then put it back the next day? The mods reactions prevented any further action...)

I understand rules are rules, and this forum has its rules, but I don't think the other thread was hurting nobody with its occasional chit chat or off topic conversation. It made the thread feel warm and a welcoming place where one would want to belong. I know thats the reason I joined. Now it feels cold, just like this new thread.

I'm sorry but that's how I feel. I don't want to offend or upset anyone. I believe in freedom of speech and I certainly hope this post won't be considered as rule-breaking just because I say I don't like the way things winded up. I'm probably back to lurking anyway...

So good luck all, and thanks for all the help. Keep on breeding! :)
Well, you raise some valid points, so I'll attempt to answer some of them as best I can. Concerning the thread that I closed, I attempted to repair the damage that had been done, thinking that the pictures were the important information. None of the mods play DV, so you'll understand how I could have missed what you will see as being obvious. Having realized that I couldn't repair it, I figured the best thing to do was to close the thread so that new members would not be confused. Perhaps in time someone else who has the knowledge will start a similar thread.

There is no reason to believe that chit chat will attract the attention of the mods, and result in bans. The people who were banned broke many rules, quite deliberately and continued to do so even after being warned about it. The decision to clean up the DV threads was not taken lightly, and much time was spent in discussing what could be done in the best interest of the majority of members. iPF is not about one game, and DV is not about 2 or 3 people. So long as the conversation stays within the confines of the rules, everything is fair game.

I have my own thread, which is reasonably popular, and which has its own share of off topic discussion, but such discussion does not detract from the main purpose of the thread. DV Tips and Tricks had gone so far off the rails, something had to be done. Now, it can go back to being what it was originally set up for, that is, so that people can get information for their gameplay.

From the very early days of the Internet, it has been customary to have a discussion thread running alongside the main one, so all we are really doing here is following convention.

Freedom of speech is a funny thing. We certainly have freedom of speech, but it is limited by the rules. Try going into an airport and talking about hijacking planes and you'll see what I mean. A conversation in a bar on the same subject would attract no attention. That's an extreme example, but I serves to illustrate what I mean.

We all agreed to abide by the rules when we signed up for this forum. It shouldn't be too much to ask to expect people to honor their commitment. The decisions of the staff are final, and not normally open for discussion and in offering this explanation and, I hope, reassurance, I'm not intending to get into a long drawn out debate about the wrongs and rights of moderation. It is what it is. We have done what we have with the best interests of members in mind. First and foremost, any forum is about its members, and this one is no different. Politics, religion, adult content etc. are banned for good reason. Just about everything else is open. That's not too onerous, in my opinion. I love discussing politics and religion, but I don't do it here.

As time goes on, this thread will no doubt become useful to Dragonvalers, as will tips and tricks. It's early days yet, and if it feels cold, it's because it does not yet have the human touch that it's contributors will give it. It may fail, but I'm confident that we did our best.
I in no way would like to be disrespectful, or rude, or break any rules and I don't know if this is, but I personally think the friendliness, the warmth is broken which is more so the reason I downloaded this app in the first place and made an account, not only for tips and tricks put when I entered that thread all those people were my friends, and I don't get that feeling now, it just feels so cold, just wanted to say that and in no way be disrespecting.
Tips and tricks is better thats all i have to say

Hello everyone. I am very saddened by all that has happened recently. I was off for a few days so when I went to the forum I started reading from the 'fun' day and was laughing out loud walking to work reading all the comments. You guys had a great day it seems. I read some more at lunch and things started getting darker. Finally, when I continued reading the next day everything had fallen apart and you all know the rest. To be honest with you I am very torn by this, far more than one would assume for an online forum. I feel sad, uncomfortable and a little lost. This is nobody's fault, just my feelings which I hope everyone can respect, just as I respect your feelings and your decisions, whatever they may be. I don't know where I go from here. I may just keep quiet for awhile so that I don't make any decisions based on emotions that I may come to regret after some careful consideration. Again, this all seems over the top (for me) for an online forum but I care about the friendships I made here. In the meantime I wish you all well and hope the very best for you. Take care. Tanya xx
SnuggleTM said:
Hello everyone. I am very saddened by all that has happened recently. I was off for a few days so when I went to the forum I started reading from the 'fun' day and was laughing out loud walking to work reading all the comments. You guys had a great day it seems. I read some more at lunch and things started getting darker. Finally, when I continued reading the next day everything had fallen apart and you all know the rest. To be honest with you I am very torn by this, far more than one would assume for an online forum. I feel sad, uncomfortable and a little lost. This is nobody's fault, just my feelings which I hope everyone can respect, just as I respect your feelings and your decisions, whatever they may be. I don't know where I go from here. I may just keep quiet for awhile so that I don't make any decisions based on emotions that I may come to regret after some careful consideration. Again, this all seems over the top (for me) for an online forum but I care about the friendships I made here. In the meantime I wish you all well and hope the very best for you. Take care. Tanya xx

I feel the same way, and I was also gone for Easter so I just found out about everything reading I later on
Hi im a newbie here, pls add me on your friend list. Just finished renovating my Colosseum island, I'm inviting all Dragonvalers to come and visit my island, it's a grand reopenning today, so if you come early you'll get a free DV coins, just look for the 3 magic hat scattered in the island . Hehe :)

GC id: kryp2n8
kryp2n8 said:
Hi im a newbie here, pls add me on your friend list. Just finished renovating my Colosseum island, I'm inviting all Dragonvalers to come and visit my island, it's a grand reopenning today, so if you come early you'll get a free DV coins, just look for the 3 magic hat scattered in the island . Hehe :)

GC id: kryp2n8

Gotta love those party hats.

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