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No YouTube Connectivity Via Wireless


iPF Noob
Oct 4, 2012
Reaction score
My problem just started since updating my iPad to IOS6 - I used to access YouTube just fine by wireless or 4G. But since updating I can get YouTube just fine (via web or new app) on the iPad from 4G but nothing via wireless - the screen just spins and spins and never connects. It's not my router or firewall because my laptop connects wirelessly and runs YouTube videos just fine. The minute I turn off wireless on the iPad and switch over to my data plan it works fine. It makes me think the update to IOS6 must've changed some iPad network setting. Does anyone have any idea what I could try?
Someone suggested yesterday that they had found that changing their DNS settings cured this problem.

Unfortunately I lost the post so I don't know whether I received an answer when I asked what they changed to.

I assume it was Google's public DNS server.

If you want to try it the server address is and

I'm going to go digging for a disclaimer I wrote yesterday. I have not tried this myself, so be very careful. I'll be back with an edit to give you a web address where you can get full instructions as to how to do this.

KevinJS said:
OK. I take no responsibility for this. Let's get that disclaimer out of the way first. I have not tried this, mainly because I haven't needed to.

In another thread someone mentioned that they changed their DNS, and got YouTube working again. Google have set up a public DNS server, and since YouTube is owned by Google, it's a fair bet that this will work.

I'm not going to attempt to type out the instructions. I'll give you the web address so you can get them directly from the author. However, this word of warning. Write down your present settings before you change a thing, then if it doesn't work, you should be able to re-enter your settings and be none the worse for wear.

Here's where to find the instructions. http://www.macinstruct.com/node/452

Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Last edited:
KevinJS said:
Someone suggested yesterday that they had found that changing their DNS settings cured this problem.

Unfortunately I lost the post so I don't know whether I received an answer when I asked what they changed to.

I assume it was Google's public DNS server.

If you want to try it the server address is and

I'm going to go digging for a disclaimer I wrote yesterday. I have not tried this myself, so be very careful. I'll be back with an edit to give you a web address where you can get full instructions as to how to do this.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

Thanks for the quick response and information - I will read your reference and see if I'm brave enough to give it a try. :) This situation is really annoying so I'm about ready to try anything!
I tried the once and found that it indeed worked. And as long as you remember your old DNS setting you can always go back. There is no real danger to this as far as I tell.
Hey - I tried changing to the google DNS and it worked brilliantly ! Thanks so much for the help!
That sure is brilliant
Do you know why it works?
I have the same issue with a Verizon hotspot
Will it work on that as well

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Sorry to say I have no idea why it works. Hopefully Kevin, who provided the info, will see your question and answer. If not, try starting a new thread with your question and he will probably see that. Good luck.
I'll try, but I'm half guessing here.

DNS servers work by looking for a queried website according to databases held by themselves, and other DNS servers. A DNS server can also be a DNS client.

YouTube is owned by Google. I'm assuming that using Google's public DNS server cuts out some of the steps in resolving a query, and reduces the time involved because Google servers contain the requested info without having to go looking for other servers.

Anyway, that's my guess, and I was only able to answer the original question because I happened to hear about Google's public DNS server, and then read here that a member changed their DNS server. I assumed they changed to Google.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Than you so much. I've been trying to fix this problem for a fe days and this solution worked. Is this a problem with my ISP DNS servers? Should I report it to them? I can continue to use google's public dns but I don't know what other issues it may have. Why doesn't everyone have this problem?

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