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New to the 3, had a 2 prior.


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2011
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How hot temp wise is "too hot"? Will it ruin my iPad over time?

My 3 gets very hot. I have it in an Oberon leather bifold case, so when it is open/on screen, only the back of the device is covered. The front of the lower left of the screen gets very hot, as I type I can feel the heat under my fingers. So hot that there is no way I would ever let my 4yo son hold it.

I know why this occurs, but isn't heat over time bad for electronics? I worry my 3 won't last.
I have read heat is an issue on 3s, but not everybody experiences it. Should I take it back and try another 3?

It is a 4g AT&T white 64gig, if that matters. I haven't activated the 4g yet, so just wifi stuff so far. It doesn't take long to really get warm, maybe 30 minutes then levels off to stay quite warm.
Is it just read little heat, or is it burning hot? Mine gets hot every once in a while when I'm playing games or something, but it doesn't get outrageously hot. If it's crazy hot, I would take it to an apple store.
The closest I could describe it would be a heating blanket turned on medium. Enough to feel the heat at a short distance off but to put your finger on it, it is uncomfortable. I have yet to play any games or watch a movie on it, just web surfing and reading the Kindle app.

Nothing super taxing, other than the display being on for a long period of time(at about 60% brightness).
Hmm, that sounds unusually hot for just browsing the web and using the Kindle app on 60% brightness. I would have a genius look at it at the genius bar at the nearest apple store.
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Sounds about right. I'll make one and leave my iPad on during the hour drive to Omaha, that outta get it to the right temp I am seeing so they can tell me if it is okay or not. I bought it new, but not from Apple directly(Walmart locally) last Thursday. If it does turn out to need replacing, would Apple do that then & there, or would I need to return to Walmart?
Do you use your iPad with the brightness at 100%? This will cause the battery to be warmer than if you set the brightness on automatic or at the lowest comfortable level.

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