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Kid's and ipads!!


iPF Noob
Dec 22, 2010
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ok my son is only 2 1/2 years old and the kid can unlock the screen, it home button if he dosent know what to do next and he knows where all his games are i downloaded for him....he is addicted to the talking tom app...he walks around with it showing the cat all his toys and talks to it and as the cat repeats what he says my son thinks hes really having a conversation with this thing! lol ok we has no interest in the vtech mini laptop i got him a while back nor the leap frog computers but all he wants is this $600 ipad!!! i wish he would like slow laptop im typing on now so i can have my ipad back! haha guess my laptop is not fast enough for him
Hope he wouldn't start jumping on it one day...

Nice story though.
I am sure there must be some toy mimicking the iPAD. or maybe now is too late.
oh he wont being playing with it without me or my wife around! ha
My friend got his grandkids (turning 3) their own ipods because they won't leave their mom's iphone alone! Fun things for kids I guess, they will be ready for the future as technology will be second nature to them.

I work with 2year olds all day and I often take my ipad out for them, keep it at the table and we either look at videos on youtube (they like to hear animal sounds so we find zoo vids etc) or play some music games, they love the piano one.

If you haven't already, put a Zagg shield on the screen just in case. It's self-healing and will save your screen from jelly fingers!
Zagg shields.are they nice and don't bubble up? And can u not really notice it? I checked a couple othem out at brookstone but I wanna say they were made by case mate. I guess I might wanna look iinto getting him a itouch!
You can get a zagg put on at Bestbuy and it will have a lifetime warranty so you can always have it replaced. The zagg is kinda tacky feeling but you get used to it and it doesn't hamper performance. Zagg definitely is better with no bubbles than the stiffer shields like casemate and the edges don't come up but it does have a slightly wavy appearance. Still its my favorite for reliable protection and if you're 2yr old is going to be using the iPad you really should put something on it just in case.
Heh not only has our two year old learnt his way around the iPad, but fresh from his triumphs he can also open firefox on the pc, find the bookmark for his tv video player and start watching kids programs.

Apple is creating monsters Igor!.............
Even Baa Baa Black sheep has become interactive. Where will it end?

Never bothered with shields as the glass is easy wipe. After six months of abuse neither pad is scratched.
my grandkids range from a newbown to a 11 years old and they have there own ipad but the newborn will get his when he over the age of three ..

the rest of the grandkids love the thing it was there Christmas gift from me to them and now the two oldest grandkids use there ipad more than the desktop that they use to fight over for school work ..the two youngest are allowed to play with theres sitting at the table with the adult around and they know that they can not leave the table with the ipad in hand or get it taken away from them ..

we download games for there age group to let them learn and play and they love it for it was probalby the only time in the house was it was totally quiet in the house was when they where all at the table playing with the ipads and not makeing a fuss or noise in the house. ..

one of my grandkids has Autism he does seam to be doing alot better now that we are useing the ipad as a teaching tool for him ..we had to learn some basic sign langauge for us to use with him and my oldest son oldest girl monkey she seams to think he her pet project when he around her .to get him more involved in things and he seams to do well with her and her teaching things.

as most people thing about Autism that they are slow learners or some area of thinking about there learning capibal i feel diff on that area because if you take the time to teach them and let them do it there selfs and they do a lot more than people think they can do ..

the only real problem i have found in the whole thing with him is the set routine and he seams to fuction alot better on it and me it hard to get into the routine for he goes to class in the morning and afternoon and we i come over it later at night when he about to go to bed .so i find i have to sneak in time between the class and the bed time for him ..

the biggest thing is we use a tool for when they start to act up and tell them that they need behave or they will not get to play with the ipads today ..the two oldest ones use it alot for there school work research and know the rule about playing online where the adults can see what they are doing online ..
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18 month year old loves ipad

our little boy loves nursery rhymes on you tube, saves him bashing the keys on out macbook. the screen is pretty tough
The ZAGG invisibleSHIELD comes with a Lifetime Replacement Guarantee. If your shield ever becomes damaged while protecting your device you can have it replaced. All you pay is shipping. It also comes with a 45 day money back guarantee. If you don't like it, send it back for a full refund.

My kids, 5 and 2, were not allowed to play with my iPad until it was fully protected. Right this second my 2 year old is on my iPad so I am typing this on my iPhone.

If you do get the ZAGG invisibleSHIELD, I would love to hear what you think of it. If you ever need any assistance please don't hesitate to let me know.


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