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Keynote App presentation to USB "Thumbstick"???


iPF Noob
Mar 3, 2011
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I view you folks as being the online version of the Apple Store Genius Bar so here goes... Is there a way to load one of my presentations made using my iPad2 Keynote App onto a USB "thumbstick?" My goal is to be able to sent sticks to various clients. I prefer the sticks over CDs because I already have a gross of them with my company logo. PS: I running my iTunes on an XP computer. Thanks. BJ
I view you folks as being the online version of the Apple Store Genius Bar so here goes... Is there a way to load one of my presentations made using my iPad2 Keynote App onto a USB "thumbstick?" My goal is to be able to sent sticks to various clients. I prefer the sticks over CDs because I already have a gross of them with my company logo. PS: I running my iTunes on an XP computer. Thanks. BJ

No, I'm afraid that's not possible with a stock iPad. The only thing you can use is the Camera Connection Kit (CCK) and that is designed to only transfer photos.

If you want to use the iPad to access the USB stick for files, you'll have to jail break. Then, you can use a tweak called iFile to load up the USB stick.

If you wish to remain stock, I think you can use cloud storage, or e-mail, to get those Keynote presentations to a personal computer so you can then put them on a USB stick. But, I don't have Keynote, so I am unsure. Sorry.

Hummm...now that I think about it...if I go the iPad-Cloud-to-PC-to-USB stick route will the end user be able to view the presentation without Keynote??? Ah, the mysteries of the techno-world. BJ
I've set up DropBox on my iPad and on my desktops/laptops. It is very easy to share Keynote and/or Powerpoints now.
Yes, using DropBox is one of the easier ways to moves files from a Mac / PC to an iPad and then back again. Using the public folder in DropBox even lets you send out an email with a file specific link (automatically generated by DropBox) so everyone can get the file directly open it and save it to their system. However since it is a Keynote file on the iPad, you can try and save it to iTunes then download it from their and make the copies on your PC or do it via iCloud and the web. Open up a .me (dot me) address and open up an iCloud account. Since keynote is already iCloud compatible, if not the upgrade is free, the file will automatically save to the cloud (you must be using IOS 5, if not upgrade it's free). On the web go to www.icloud.com and sign in. Go to the documents section and the sub section for Keynote and you will see you file. Open it from their and save it to your stick and away you go.
Well, I'm going to try the DROPBOX solution first. I now have "DB" on both my iPad and PC. Now, how do I tell my pad to save the Keynote doc to DB? Probably REALLY simple...but I'm stumped! BJ
I've been experimenting with Keynote and Dropbox. I don't see any way to save a file from Keynote into Dropbox. It is not one of the options available in Keynote. You can save into iCloud, so it shouldn't be hard to save to Dropbox, but Apple will need to modify Keynote.
When you want to save a keynote presentation you can select "WebDAV". (at least this is what I see in my German keynote.) And with a service like dropdav (DropDAV: Home) you can directly save to dropbox.

Hope this helps.

Hummmm....I'm going to muck with the Dropbox avenue for awhile....but, I see myself doing the Cloud thing by day's end. I haven't set up Cloud on my "pad" and PC yet but it's got to be Apple simple! Thanks folks for all you help. BJ
Only way to do that without paying is to email the keynote file to yourself. Open the attachment in mail on iPad, and save the attachment to DropBox. PITA, but no other easy way. Apple designed the apps to use their own safe space.
In Keynote on the iPad, hit the 'wrench' icon, then 'Share and Print', then 'Send to iTunes', then choose 'Keynote' as the format.

Now, connect your iPad to your computer, launch iTunes, click on your iPad's name on the left side, go to 'Apps' area (third on across the top, after Summary and Info), scroll down to the 'Apps' box, and scroll within the 'Apps' box to find Keynote. On the right side, you will then find your Keynote file. Click on 'save to...' in the bottom right corner, and save the .key file to your USB drive.

I'm running iTunes 10.6 on XP, with latest version of Keynote, on an iPad 2.
Photofast iflash-drive may serve you well, but the file transfer speed between idevice and the flash drive is quite slow and this gadget doesnt come cheap. Its actly a usb drive that's specially made to transfer data in/out from idevice, though u need to install a client software on ur idevice.
Step 1. Open your presentation in Keynote on the iPad.
Step 2. Tap the box with the up arrow (Share/Send/Open)
Step 3: Tap Open in another App
Step 4: Tap PowerPoint - this will create a PPTX show. This requires the latest PowerPoint. You may have to find a way to convert this to an earlier version within a PC so that your clients with older versions can play it.
Step 5: Tap Choose App (My choices are SpeakText, SaveAll, Dropbox, and Evernote. Yours will differ.)
Step 6: Tap "Open in DropBox" the Save to DropBox will open.
Step 7: Tap Save - Your Dropbox folder that is registered on your iPad will open. You can see the progress bar as the PPTX is uploaded.
Step 8: Open the DropBox App on the PC that is using the same ID as the iPad. You can get the URL by clicking the file name. This can be sent to the client directly.

Hopefully they can play pptx. You should also move it into your PC to copy to the Thumb Drives. The PowerPoint on your PC can also save them as versions for older PowerPoint. (PPT) You can also save it as a presentation. (PPS)
You should go through the presentations one by one in the PC to check font size, timing and animations, and visual placements. PowerPoint may not have the same fonts as the iPad. changing the extension from pps to ppt will let you edit them. Change it back to pps before you copy to the thumb-drives.
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