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Keyboard issues


iPF Noob
Mar 11, 2019
Reaction score
I have had my Air 2 from new and from very early days had onboard keyboard issues. It has been random, though, initially just every now and then many letters in words or whole words missing so assumed was my typing style lol. Later though got more prevalent..but still erratic..sometimes carrying on for days or weeks sometimes OK for months. Not happening right now but it is a recurring thing and just found your site s thought would try and seek answer before happens next time, as likelihood is when really bad I can’t put together a message you’d understand lol

Erratic response to typing..missing odd letters, sometimes whole words or duplicating letters or digits as though finger held down and inputting punctuation randomly where I was typing a word. Drove me nuts. But every time I tried to show someone Sods law, like a dodgy car, it would be fine.

I took it to Apple store who were not interested in looking at me typing to see what was happening , just went straight in for a hardwear check which was fine, restored to factory settings, and sent me on my way. Of course it happened again and the thing is it would do it consistentky fir ages then be OK for ages then do it every now and then.
I contacted Apple Care by phone several times and was being dealt with by supervisor in the end who wanted me to video typing, which is pretty hard when on your own and 5 attempts to get someone else to video of course it was fine, so I gave up with Apple and just put up with it.

I’m in an ‘OK’ phase lol

There is a previous post on this forum dating back to 2011 were the OP had same issues but seemed to be resolved by using Apple branded charger and leads. My issues started long before I ever bought third party equipment.
Does it ever happen when the iPad is not plugged into the charger?

Bad house wiring/power while less common is still a possibility.

Thanks for the response
Yes seems to be regardless of whether plugged in or not.
I mostly use it when it’s not charging and doesn’t seem to happen any more often if plugged in.
The only other thing I can think of is if you have cold hands, or poor circulation in your hands. That has been knonw to cause problems for some people.

One of the reasons I didn’t get it checked out in the very early days was because assumed it was my cold fingers or poor typing..no contact, too light, too fast, . ..but no it happens using stylus aswell.

Plus it’s the adding punctuation randomly in middle of words etc and repeating letters that’s confusing not just missing letters and numbers etc as though no contact
Are other touchscreen gestures affected as well, such as pinch to zoom and scrolling?
If you always use the keyboard in one screen orientation try rotating the iPad 90Âș and try using the keyboard. If the problems are exactly the same the issue is most likely not a touchscreen problem.

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