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Ipad2 won't charge


iPF Noob
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina
Yesterday I updated my ipad to ios 7 after I purchased my new iPhone 5s. It charged very slowly overnight and was 100% charged this morning. However, by noon it was down to 30 % so plugged it in to charge and it wouldn't charge. So I tried switching chargers still nothing. Then I read of problems others are having. Went in rebooted, and turned on my password as suggested and reduced the brightness. It is now charging again, but slowly. I thought I had a brick. But what other options do i have as far as charging? At least mine started charging again, some people can't get theirs to work at all.
Hi Ellie from a fellow Old North State resident! :)

First, make sure that you indeed 'Reset' the iPad properly (directions below); second, let us know what chargers you are using w/ the iPad, i.e. original Apple ones or 3rd party brands? I'll stop there just to see if any of these suggestions help - if not, please post back - this indeed seems to have been an occasional complaint. Dave

3. Reset - press & hold the 'Power' and 'Home' buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears - this may take a longer time, so have patience; the iPad will 're-boot' - NOTE that none of these maneuvers will alter your apps, files, or settings.
Hi Ellie from a fellow Old North State resident! :)

First, make sure that you indeed 'Reset' the iPad properly (directions below); second, let us know what chargers you are using w/ the iPad, i.e. original Apple ones or 3rd party brands? I'll stop there just to see if any of these suggestions help - if not, please post back - this indeed seems to have been an occasional complaint. Dave

Thanks so much for responding. I finally did solve the problem. I had an official apple charger but the short connecting cable was 3rd party because my Apple ones kept splitting and breaking. Has worked fine for a couple of years until I downloaded ios 7. I kinda had a meltdown of sorts. LOL. I took every with me to Best Buy. They thought the cable was not the problem, but had no other suggestions. They only had one Apple cable in stock. So, tried it and Eureka! It worked! There are no real Apple stores in our area, so if that had not worked, I don't know what I would have done. This cable is a little different than my prior apple cables. Hoping it will not break. However, it is a very, very tight fit where it connects to the iPad. It is difficult to connect and disconnect. It just barely fits. So, not sure if it will cause a problem down the road or not. I am hoping not, but I am worried about it.

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