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IPAD2 Camera, Worse than ever!

Is your Ipad2 camera terrible and grainy?

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hi yall,

first time posting to a forunm EVER, but i cant sit here with this on my mind. I just got my Ipad2, 780.00 mind you,and while all the apps that are installed are beautifully clear, the CAMERA IS TERRIBLE! I play roller derby, and after seeing how pixilated my pictures are on the IPAD2 I am stunned. I cant say its because of the IPAD size, because I have an IMAC (Huge) and those pictures don't pixilate. Can anyone tell me why I can't take a decent photo without it being so GRAINY! Video as well! Is there a resolution for this problem? I bought it partially because the Iphone 4 takes such amazing photos! If i knew this, I would have stuck with my crappy old verizon phone, which takes crappy pictures. Is there an app that can fix this or does anyone think Apple will come up with a resolution to this that we WONT have to pay for?! (yeah right)
Thank you!

The iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel camera which is very good. The iPad 2 has two very low quality cameras that I think were put in the device for novelty. The iPad has way more functionality then a camera, but if you were thinking you could use it to shoot pics and video, you will be disappointed.
I have heard this time and time again. Did you research the camera before purchasing? See what the scuttlebutt is?

You can still return it.
Yes, the photos are grainy if you are shooting in low/lousy light, but with bright light the photos are fine. I tested this today by taking a photo of local snowbanks and snow cover created by ten inches of snow that fell last night. The photo itself turned out great, albeit I would have preferred a picture of green grass and daffodils!
Oh come on..... Who buys an ipad to use the camera??? Kind of like asking fopr a camera in your laptop. I can only justify the need for a front facing camera for apps and google talk.....
I was surprised (disappointed) that the camera was less than my new iPhone 4 :( but then iPad is so cool in so many ways it makes up for the crummy camera especially since I have the iPhone.
If you use the camera in good light then you get good results fount cam or back. use it indoors under incandesent lights your going to get grainy pics. if used right then there good pics. I have a few cameras and i still like the ipad 2 cam i take it down the workshop and out the back taking pics of my koi and get good results.
And as said its not a camera you would really go around with stuck to your face. but to have a pad and your out and about its a nice extra.
I do agree with the above and it sounds like camera size was the main issue for not having something better like the iPhone 4 camera - just wouldn't fit in the new/thin case etc. For me however the FaceTime camera was definitely most important.

My initial complaint was if they went through the the trouble of having a camera, at least have a decent one... Where in the big scheme of things I guess you could better look at it as "at least it has an aft facing camera" etc.

And yes, good chance gen 3 will have an improvement in this area.

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I knew the camera quality would be worse than iPhone's, because many stories and tech blogs noted the differences even before Apple started delivering iPad 2s. It didn't matter to me, though, because I already loved iPhone 4's camera and figured I wouldn't have much use for iPad 2's cameras.

The only thing I've used the iPad camera for is video Skype, and even then I don't usually care whether I see anyone or they see me.
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Oh come on..... Who buys an ipad to use the camera??? Kind of like asking fopr a camera in your laptop. I can only justify the need for a front facing camera for apps and google talk.....

No offense, but you sound like an apple developer here. This is the mindset that often drives people to use other products, even when the apple version is superior. It's a mindset that apple is famous for "I don't use it very often so you must not need it. You think you want it, but you're wrong, you don't."

A better question, and one that leads to more user friendly innovation is "Who carries a camera around with them all the time, when they already have a device capable of performing that function?"

But to answer the question...can you not see why having a camera with a real time 10 inch display screen would be desirable?
Wow, did I word that badly! I apologize for that, and for the fact that upon rereading what I wrote it sounded snide to me...That's not what I meant.

What I meant was...many people have already stopped carrying cameras because their cell phone now does the job just fine for their needs. That should always be the goal. To have the need for carrying other devices eliminated by it.

Why bring a camera when the internet/book/movieplayer I'm already carrying is capable of doing the job?

Plus, as I said, the 10" display screen could pretty much take ALL of the guesswork out of it. It really shouldn't be an extra tacked on to appease complaints. The complaints happened for a reason: the reason being that this really is an outstanding place to put a good camera.
It's crummy but I'm not trying to replace my camera. It still has FaceTime and I can get quick big pics of my granddaughter that she loves to look at. if you want good ones, take them with a camera and load into iPad.

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