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Ipad Owners are SNOBS!!!


iPF Noob
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Have you seen the price of Lenovo think pads? Lol

I have a thinkpad as well....but my work paid for it.
it's from the new socialist society , where no one can have more than anyone else.
they have been teaching this in college for years.
no one tells me a damn thing an i literally go state to state with my ipad (truck driver) an i never leave it alone i have two ipads i never heard any insults from anyone except a mcdonalds employee callin me out sayin its a large ipod i simply replyed flip about 4000 more pattys maybe you can have 1 (everyone cracked up ) not sayin workin at mcdonalds suck but if u gonna be wise guy prepare for a come back
Its not that you are selfish and arrogant BECAUSE you bought the iPad, you are selfish and arrogant THEREFOR you bought the iPad.
i guess where all Snobs here . this polls crack me up when i sit and read them about useing a product and how the socalled little people seam that they must tell us about how bad our socalled product is and we are only makeing the little people who can not aford the product feel bad that they can aford the item that we out and bought with our own money that we made ourselfs not someone else money..

great comeback there Robb25j..i got to remember that one..
They can think what they want as long as they're shining my shoes, cleaning, and bringing me food like good little servants should......

I refuse to associate with you Ipad people I am too good for you.... Oh wait I own an Ipad so can we be friends!
When I first read about this on the Wire, I thought it was a joke... there are someone maybe, but not all, guy!
Provocative headlines create wide circulation.

Enjoyed the thread though :)

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