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iPad Mini obsolete already?


iPF Noob
Oct 22, 2011
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The debut iPad Mini looks like it was released just in time to kill Android tablet Christmas sales.

I won't say 'rushed'. Apple never rushes anything, they just sweat their engineers harder than anyone else. But the iPad Mini is missing some obvious features Apple already has in-house to make it an Android tablet killer.

The next iPad Mini will have a Retina display, a major omission from the debut model. Look at photographs on a 3rd generation iPad Retina display versus an iPad 2, and you'll understand why pro photographers must have the 3rd generation device. The higher resolution makes an impressive difference in just shadow detail alone.

The next iPad Mini will also have a low-power A6 processor and / or a battery with higher capacity per unit volume. Apple will want to use its latest high-performance processor, but will need more power to run it in a smaller volume. It's either that or redesign the A6 CPU to use less power.

The power issue is why Apple didn't use the A6 in the iPad Mini. As an operations guy with an engineering degree, Tim Cook understands this very well. He also listened to his marketing people, who told him to get out a better direct competitor to Android tablets soon, since the e-reader market is headed to a 7 inch form factor.

Did Apple blow it with a 'premature' product launch?

No - the company simply left room for an iPad Mini development path.

Should you wait to get one?

No - you'll miss the productivity the debut model offers if you wait.
Don't think the Mini will kill the Android e-reader market at all. They will gain marketshare, however.
I think the new mini iPad will take almost as many sales away from the standard iPads as they likely will against the competition, it's inevitable it will affect the sales of larger ipads too... so to some degree it' a shot in the foot, however I also think it will sell very well indeed as quite a few people may have occasion and prefer a smaller unit. Infact I shall likely buy one of the lower end ones myself but still keep my iPad3 64/4g version as well.:)

Personally I still think it's priced a little too high to have a big impact on the sales of the Kindle fire and other cheapend tablets, though as Beryl stated it will give them a increased market share, but also at the cost of losing some sales from the standard iPad market.
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Agreed, I would trade in my ipad 2 for a mini, but would still keep my kindle and android phone.

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I have a Nook Color I wish I'd never bought, a very basic Kindle I got free (no touchscreen), and an iPhone 4S I use all the time. The iPhone user experience obliterates the Nook Color. Its touchscreen responsiveness is terrible, and the app selection is tiny. The Nook Color's Android UI is a pale imitation of iOS.

But I love the Nook Color's size, one thing I've disliked about iPads prior to the Mini.

The Kindle works reasonably well as an ereader, but the buttons are very balky, another example of cut-rate hardware.

If the iPad Mini lives up to Apple's quality standards (and I see no reason why it shouldn't), it should clean the clock of any Android tablet out there. Add Apple's top-flight marketing, and, well, looks like a possible Android tablet-killer for new buyers without a stock of Android apps they've paid for.

I could see Apple discontinuing the iPad 2 soon. That's not surprising - they've sold remaining inventory of obsoleted products at lowered prices after every new product introduction. The fire-sale pricing of obsoleted models is likely built-in to new model costs.
I always said they hold back on features because they know they get a massive following and they know they can sell millions then just release the 'S' version. Same old same old!
It's not going to be an android killer due to the higher price point. The new Kindle Fire HD will sport a much higher res than the mini and still be around 200 bucks.

But as someone said earlier in this thread it will gain some market shares in the smaller tab market.
I can see a huge market opening up for kids who have been using the iPod touch. The smaller size will be ideal for smaller hands, and kids already know the OS. $329 is not a massive outlay, and the price point of a lot of the games they play makes it a no-brainer.
I consider the mini iPad to be repackaged older tech, so I'm not buying. I'm tempted by iPad 4, though.
I consider the mini iPad to be repackaged older tech, so I'm not buying. I'm tempted by iPad 4, though.

I see it being a big contributor in the education market, where the cheaper price point will entice schools. But I also see it as a tool for those who like the iPad, but don't like the large size. The iPad mini can fit in a purse or cargo pocket easily. And I can't tell you how many times a day at work I get the "I LOVE THE IPAD! BUT...wish Apple made a smaller one" remark! Lol.
I see it being a big contributor in the education market, where the cheaper price point will entice schools. But I also see it as a tool for those who like the iPad, but don't like the large size. The iPad mini can fit in a purse or cargo pocket easily. And I can't tell you how many times a day at work I get the "I LOVE THE IPAD! BUT...wish Apple made a smaller one" remark! Lol.

I actually think the size is great. (I was a longtime proponent of a smaller iPad from way back, when naysayers were saying "not a chance," lol.) I just don't want a smaller iPad with old innards, and that's what the mini iPad is. I'd rather pay up to full-size iPad price, except for a mini iPad with the latest technology, not repackaged iPad 2 innards.

And I'm speaking for myself as a buyer; other buyers can look out for themselves.
Kaykaykay said:
I consider the mini iPad to be repackaged older tech, so I'm not buying. I'm tempted by iPad 4, though.

I'm getting the mini. All of the upgrades for the iPad 3 went to support the screen other than LTE. The mini has fewer pixels but on a smaller screen. Plus it has facetime HD front camera and 5mp rear camera. It has better WiFi tech and LTE. And the lightning connector. A good mix of old and new tech.

So, if I get the mini can I just swap the Sim from my iPad the to the mini and keep rolling?
AQ_OC said:
I'm getting the mini. All of the upgrades for the iPad 3 went to support the screen other than LTE. The mini has fewer pixels but on a smaller screen. Plus it has facetime HD front camera and 5mp rear camera. It has better WiFi tech and LTE. And the lightning connector. A good mix of old and new tech.

So, if I get the mini can I just swap the Sim from my iPad the to the mini and keep rolling?

No, according to this comparison chart, the Mini has a nano-sim card and is not compatible with any other iPad card.

No, according to this comparison chart, the Mini has a nano-sim card and is not compatible with any other iPad card.


I see. then I will drop the cellular option on my iPad 3 and move it to the Mini. It is the more portable device, so it deserves the option. Thanks.

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