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iPad and Flash

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iPF Noob
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Hollidaysburg PA
So I have owned my iPad for ten months now. I have found it to have many wonderful and amazingly useful features. I am a college student and the ability to write my notes electronically in a multitude of apps has been revolutionary for me.

Even better has been the ability to get my textbooks in an electronic format. As a science major, the textbooks are huge and heavy and I already have back problems which are only aggravated by carrying them around. Most recently, I searched for a textbook and found that an etextbook version came with the website subscription that was needed for the homework in our class, so I thought this was an amazing deal; everything in one.

I was wrong.

The website has a wonderfully interactive etextbook but it runs on Flash. As everyone knows, iPad doesn't support Flash. So there I was, suddenly defeated by the lack of this simple program which Apple had said many times wasn't an issue for users.

But it is an issue for this user. And not just this one instance. There have been many instances where I have attempted to access a website on my iPad only to be turned away because it required Flash. It has been frustrating, and more than once resulted in a major problem for me.

I was so furious after this last instance where I ran into the problem with Flash not working on my iPad that I went to the store and began researching the other tablets on the market. Now understand me, for the most part I like my iPad, it's just that at the core of my ownership, I need it to hold my textbooks and notes in an easy use electronic interface. I don't use my iPad for games or for watching Netflix or listening to music, I use it for productivity. And there are indeed many productivity apps that I am completely in love with because they are so wonderful. But I am finding this Flash problem to beginning to be crippling.

Steven Jobs is a brilliant man, he truly is; he has revolutionized our lives and most people can agree that it is for the better. He has done truly amazing things. Now that he is no longer CEO, Apple will not be the same, this is true. In that, this iPad user finds a tiny bit of hope.

With a new CEO, maybe Apple will fix this long standing issue that so many people have voiced complaint about. Its the only major fault I can find, and I would be beyond thrilled if it were fixed. And it's not like Adobe and Apple won't work together, it's pretty wide held belief that the CS suite for Apple is much better than for Windows. Flash is an Adobe product too right? So why can't Flash be so much better on Apple than Windows for this like it is for the other products? Am I missing something here? Maybe someone who works on Flash could explain to me what the big problem is....
There are more threads regarding flash here than any other topic. It has been posted, sited, and discussed to death. Use our search button up top, please.

Apple's thought on flash is this:

Thoughts on Flash

And it won't change. It is best to do your research before purchasing so as not to run into these types of situations.

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