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iPad Aire questions


iPF Noob
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score

My wife has been wanting a tablet to search the web, read books, and of course Facebook and Pinterest all while setting in her easy chair in front of the TV. We have decided to get a router and go Wi-Fi in our house. The TV we have is a smart TV so it can hook up to the router also.

This is all very new to us and a trip to Best Buy is coming up in a day or two. I know that this is an iPad forum but since she has never had a tablet before we have narrowed the choice down to the iPad Air or the Kindle HDX. We are both leaning towards the iPad but she needs to see them in person, hold them and just see how they work basically.

After a few days of reading about both of them I have a couple of questions that I hope you all can answer.

As I mentioned, she wants one mostly for reading, web searching and such so is 16GB enough? I read after all the apps and such you only have 11GB left, she may download a movie here and there but she would probably delete them after watching them, same with music, she may keep a few albums on the tablet but I don't see her storing anything for a long time, but I've been wrong before, so how much will 11GB hold?

With the Kindle, a selection of books doesn't seem to be a problem, where do you get your books on the iPad?

When she is looking at something on the tablet, will it or can it be seen on the TV in front of her?

Sorry for all the questions but we are just trying to figure all this out, if we go with the iPad Air I will introduce myself and join the forum, it seems to be a great place to learn something, and ask some more questions as I am sure I will have a lot.


iPF Novice
Nov 3, 2013
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16GB is definitely enough for those purposes. Movies and other media can always be streamed, or, as you say, watched and deleted.

The iBooks store has a good selection of books (at least, in my opinion), and the iBooks app is, I find, easy to use and has settings for adjusting font, font size, and brightness, that make reading on the iPad more pleasurable.

Haven't actually streamed anything from my iPad to the TV but I'm sure someone else can answer that.


iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
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Milton-Freewater, OR
There is a Kindle app for the iPad, which will give you access to the Amazon library of ebooks, newspapers, and magazines. Amazon has (slowly) been rolling out other apps for iOS to cover their other content, like movies for Prime members.

In general I like the iBook app better, but it's hard to beat the Kindle store's content and prices.

16 GB will probably server well enough at first, but you are likely to find yourself wishing for more storage down the road. My recommendation is to buy at least one model higher than you think you'll need, providing you can afford it.

If you think you'll ever want to use it on the road and/or for GPS apps, consider getting the cellular model. It's not something you can change your mind about later.

Yes, it adds up quickly, which is why I'm still saving for my own iPad Air. :)


iPF Novice
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate, NY
There is a Kindle app for the iPad, which will give you access to the Amazon library of ebooks, newspapers, and magazines. Amazon has (slowly) been rolling out other apps for iOS to cover their other content, like movies for Prime members. In general I like the iBook app better, but it's hard to beat the Kindle store's content and prices. 16 GB will probably server well enough at first, but you are likely to find yourself wishing for more storage down the road. My recommendation is to buy at least one model higher than you think you'll need, providing you can afford it. If you think you'll ever want to use it on the road and/or for GPS apps, consider getting the cellular model. It's not something you can change your mind about later. Yes, it adds up quickly, which is why I'm still saving for my own iPad Air. :)

Agreed on all points here. 16 GB can work but if possible, bump it up to 32 GB. I actually use the Kindle reading app on my iPad Air and love it. The prices and book selection is better through amazon, IMO. The cellular option is a little trickier. I got it this time and I'm glad I did but I don't use it much at all. It's really there if you really end up needing it. In that case you'll be glad you have it but otherwise you may not use it much.

If I were you, I'd go 32 GB but maybe skip the cellular option and save money that way.


iPF Novice
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
I have an ipad2 16g. I regret buying only 16. I will definitely go to at least 32 when I upgrade. I am constantly having to remove stuff because I am running out of space. I have kindle, nook and iBooks, and use all,of them. My biggest space eater has turned out to be pdfs's stored on iBooks. The books can be archived.


iPF Noob
Jan 8, 2014
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Well we are the proud owners of an iPad Air 32GB. While we were looking at case's for it the wife pick one that looked nice and the price was only $9.95, needless to say when the salesman rang it up it said $39.95. The salesman went to the front desk, talked to the manager and came back and said they would honor the price as shown on the label in front of the case on the rack. We also got a great deal on an Apple TV box, regular price was $100.00 but the had a one that was returned, brand new for $49.00, then on top of that they had a 10 for 10 deal going on which took the price down to $40.00. Kudo's to Best Buy!!!!


iPF Noob
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
Honestly, get her the kindle and save yoursel $400. I know that won't be popular here, but oh well. My wife's tablet is a nook hd that she never uses and currently cannot find.


iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Milton-Freewater, OR
The Kindle Fire HDX looks to be a good tablet. If Amazon's content is all you want, or you are willing to invest the time to root it and add the Google Play store, then it will fit many people's needs.

I'm tempted to get one myself. But, I would not own just a Kindle tablet. That's because I do use my iPad for more than a reader and casual game device. And I like iOS better than Android, or the Kindle flavor of Android. Though I admit I've only played with the last for a few minutes at a time in stores.

However, it is only a $400 price difference if you are comparing the high end models against each other. Or comparing low end agains't high end, which is pointless. The basic Fire HDX is only $255 less than the basic iPad Air. That's with the $30 off all Kindle Fires sale that ends today (U.S. Store)

Still a significant amount of money, but since we were talking about low to mid range devices.

The iPad Air with the extra features we recommended the OP consider (32 GB and LTE) is $315 more (closer to your $400), again only while the Fire is still on sale.

Of course it's not all about money. The cheapest car on the lot will get you to most of the same places as the most expensive, but it probably won't be as much fun to drive. If possible, it's best to test drive your options before buying.

On the other hand, this discussion is of no importance to the OP, who has already bought a tablet for his wife; who I hope is enjoying it immensely. :)
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iPF Noob
Jan 8, 2014
Reaction score
On the other hand, this discussion is of no importance to the OP, who has already bought a tablet for his wife; who I hope is enjoying it immensely. :)

Oh she is!!!!

I can't get it out of her hands, she is very happy.

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