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iPad 3 issues with rendering HTML & css


iPF Noob
Aug 2, 2022
Reaction score
I have an iPad marked A1416 & google advises me itss an iPad 3
Its 16Gb srtorage.

I have a small web page of which i have supplied below but the ipad doesnt display it correctly at all.
Using Firefox web tool it looks spot on whether Landscape or Portrait in various model of iPad & iPhone.
But what you actually see on the iPad isnt like it what so ever.

Here is the page in question.


I have supplied a image of what is shown for the ipad using Firefox dev tool.

I have also supplied a image of what i actually see on my ipad.

As you will see its like half of what should be there.
Any help with this would be great.

Have a nice dayu


  • 4169.jpg
    169.8 KB · Views: 67
  • 4172.jpg
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Last edited by a moderator:
I can think of two possibilities, both of them would be because your iPad is quite old and will be running a much older version of iOS.


Three for four years ago (maybe longer) iPads defaulted to the mobile version of a website (if it was available), something most site hosting services provide. The mobile version of a sites is meant to be viewed on a phone, and often has controls and other features simplified or hidden behind extra controls/links.

Check on your hosting site (if you use one) to see if it generates a mobile view, and what it looks like.

On the iPad there is a way to force Safari to show the desktop version of the site. I'm not exactly sure (since I haven't used in a long time) but one of the icons at the top of Safari should give you the option to switch if you hold it down for a second or so. This is temporary and only works for the site you are viewing at the time.


Again, you are running a fairly old browser on your iPad. There have been a lot of changes to web standards over the years. If your site is using a view or feature that is not supported on your version of Safari it will be either skipped, simplified, or display unexpectedly. There is no easy way around this other than removing the feature from the site, or getting a browser that supports more current versions of the web.

Given the nature of the iPad and iOS, it is unlikely you will find a third party browser in the App Store that both supports newer web features and is compatible with your iPad, but you can look. Penguin and Opera are the best bets, since they are actually remote browsers hosted on a server. I have no idea if there are versions still available for your verions of iOS.
Thanks for the info.
I did select request desktop view but nothing happened at all.

Do you use an ipad ?

If so would you mind adding a screenshot landscape & portrait here for me to look at .

Thanks for the info.
I did select request desktop view but nothing happened at all.

Do you use an ipad ?

If so would you mind adding a screenshot landscape & portrait here for me to look at .


Links to personal websites are generally prohibited in the forums. Your's was removed as per normal policy. If you have not doen so I recommend you read Forum Rules.

Go ahead and send the link to me as a private message and I'll take a look. Tap/click on my user name under my profile picture for the option.

I have a 12.9" iPad Pro, and an iPad Mini. Between the two I should get a decent idea of what your site looks like on an iPad running the most recent version of iPadOS.

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