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iOS 8.0 Trashed My iPad2, Zero Help from Apple


iPF Noob
Nov 26, 2014
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Installed iOS 8.0 on my iPad2 and lost everything, music, data, apps, EVERYTHING. Tried to recover from my recent back up with no success. Did restore and attempted to recover backed up files to no avail. When attempting to install iOS 8.1 (hey, can't be any worse) get various error messages to include "Network connection timed out" or the generic "There was a problem installing..." Apple chat and help forums less than useless. Seriously thinking about moving to Android. Anyone else with similar experience or, better yet, with a good fix??
No similar experience. My iPad 2 never had problems with iOS 8.

If your device is an iPad 2 as well: the latest update (8.1.1) should help improve the performance of these devices.

In case you updated over the air (using Wi-Fi only) before, use iTunes (computer) this time.
No similar experience. My iPad 2 never had problems with iOS 8.

If your device is an iPad 2 as well: the latest update (8.1.1) should help improve the performance of these devices.

In case you updated over the air (using Wi-Fi only) before, use iTunes (computer) this time.

When I try installing from iTunes I get this message despite having a strong connection;

There was a problem downloading the software for the iPad "iPad". The network connection timed out.
Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later.

Been trying again later for over a month. iPad2 worked fine until I installed iOS 8.0, never again.
Maybe your internet connection hasn't got enough bandwidth to handle downliading the iOS update? The fact that you're the only one here that's reporting problems as severe as yours means it's certainly not common and probably isn't caused by the update itself but by problems related to the download and installation. I updated my iPad 2 to iOS 8 using iTunes on my computer and had no problems whatsoever.

Have you tried resetting your router or, if that doesn't work, using an Internet connection at another location?
If you have anti-virus or firewall software installed, it's been known to cause problems with updates. Try turning it off.

Don't forget to turn it back on when you are done.
Installed iOS 8.0 on my iPad2 and lost everything, music, data, apps, EVERYTHING. Tried to recover from my recent back up with no success. Did restore and attempted to recover backed up files to no avail. When attempting to install iOS 8.1 (hey, can't be any worse) get various error messages to include "Network connection timed out" or the generic "There was a problem installing..." Apple chat and help forums less than useless. Seriously thinking about moving to Android. Anyone else with similar experience or, better yet, with a good fix??

I've had the exact same problem. Updated to iOS8 with no problems, however the latest 8.1.1 update completely bricked my perfectly working iPad (3? 64gb wifi 4G). Won't boot past apple logo, tried restore/update through iTunes in recovery mode...nothing. I paid for a session with Apple to try and deduce the issue...here is the text from some snotty nosed little shit....Not how he doesn't even let me respond...simply announces I'm wrong and then ends the conversation. Massive fan of Apple before this and now I can't help but feel that if they carry on 'deciding when our equipment is obsolete' through knackered updates then it may be the end of the line for us true fans.

Here's the chat:

  • Thanks for contacting AppleCare chat support. My name is Leslie. How can I help you? Me:hello Leslie Hello Jamie! Me:I had a perfectly working iPad and during the latest 8.1.1 update, the iPad crashed and is now bricked. I can't get it to boot past the apple logo, which stalls and then turns off. I have put it in recovery mode and tried to update and restore with neither working and both showing the same error message about a corrupted download fiel Me:*file Leslie I understand that you are having issues with the iPad not booting past the Apple Logo, I can certainly see how this can be a concern. I will be more than happy to go over a few things here and see what options are available.Me:eek:kLeslieAnd when you go to do the recovery mode and start the restore it does start downloading a fresh copy of the software?Me:no. It just 'attempts' to download something, whether or not it's a new download or a restart of the corrupt one. It doesn't give me any options to do anything just attempts download then shows the error message Leslie:Are you using a Mac or a PC?Me:macMe:latest OX and i`tunesLeslieDo you have another computer at all to try the restore on?Me:I've tried the update/restore on 3 different machines, all with the latest OS and iTunes. It responds with the same error messageMe:1 mabook pro and 2 iMacs Leslie Can you get me the exact error message please? Me:eek:k. give me a minute LeslieSure. .Me:'The software for the iPad 'iPad' was corrupted during download. Disconnect and reconnect , then try again, Make sure your network settings are correct and your network correction is active, or try again later Leslie And this is the message you are receiving on all computers? Me:yes Leslie Thank you, one moment. Leslie I would like you to navigate to this folder: ~/Library/iTunes/iPad Software Updates It might say iPhone Software Updates, we want to go to this folder and see if there are any software files and if so you will want to delete them. Me there is nothing in that folder Leslie Ok, thank you. Leslie I am going to consult with my Senior Advisor about this issue, so it will be just a few moments while I get in contact with them. Me:eek:k Leslie I do thank you for your patience with me. Leslie I have my Senior Advisor Jackson here, they will be taking over the chat from here.
  • You are now being connected to another Advisor. Please standby. Jackson Thanks for contacting iOS. My name is Jackson. Please give me a moment to look over your information.JacksonNow chatting with Jackson, case # 702496330 Me:eek:k JacksonHi Jamie, thanks for being patient. I understand we have an iPad that’s not able to boot past the apple logo since updating, even after placing the device in recovery mode/restoring from other computers, is that right? Me:that is correct Jackson Thanks for confirming. Are all three of these computers on the same network, or is one at work, one at home, etc.? Me:different networks Jackson Thanks for confirming - Is it’s failing to restore in recovery mode on multiple networks, from multiple computers we’re likely looking at a hardware issue, and we’ll need to consider service options. You could take it into an Apple Store if you wanted, and let them try to restore it since we know nothing there would interfere with the restore process, but I suspect you’ll get the same results since you’ve tried multiple locations Me:I expect so .Jackson I think it might be worth trying just to solidify the issue, but that’s of course up to you. The device is 547 days out of warranty, but we do have out of warranty repair options for these devices. Me:but it is apple's update that has caused the issue. any servicing should be complimentary Jackson The update certainly didn’t cause the issue, but I can see why you would think that. If that update caused the issue, there would be literally millions of devices the are experiencing the same problem, my own included. When these types of issues occur after an update it indicates a previously underlying issue that isn’t brought to light until the software needs to update, check components in the device, etc. and something is found to have failed Me:however, if you read your forums, whilst there are not 'millions' as you so exaggerated but there are definitely other users who have experienced the issue. It cannot be deemed reasonable for this to be at an expense to me. Prior to the update, direct from Apple, recommended by AppleMe:it was a perfectly working iPad with no issues. after update it is useless. Jackson Again, the device is out of warranty buy over a year Jamie - You can search a forum and find people that have had similar issues, sure. With a base of 300million iOS devices, you can find just about any issue on the forums. While I agree you can see that other people have had the issue, I would also expect it was the same situation, and this certainly isn’t something that has only happened with 8.1.1. If there’s a component in that device that has failed, or is on it’s way to failing, restoring and update will typically identify that problem, and these issues occur. There was an underlying issue with this device prior to the restore - Restores don’t “break” devices. Me:no i am well aware that iOS 8 is you most disastrous os upgrade in history. Please don't pretend this is not a known issue...albeit i agree there have been problems with other updates too. hardly justifys why it's my issue. I could understand if I'd messed with hardware or cracked apps or unblocking the phone....but it was a direct Apple recommended update that has bricked my perfectly working iPad Jackson Again, the update isn’t the cause of the issue. I’m not pretending anything, I’m very familiar with the update process, and what causes and what doesn’t cause these types of issues. You have a device that’s experienced hardware failure, I’ll agree with that, however it’s not because of the update as I’ve explained a couple of times. If you’d like to have the device serviced, it can be repaired for an out of warranty fee, which can be found here: https://ssl.apple.com/uk/support/ipad/repair/other/(Opens in new window)If you decide you’d like to have it serviced, feel free to visit that link or chat us back. I’m sorry you and I were able to come to an agreement on the cause, and the repair options that best suit your situation, but the offer will stand. Thanks for taking the time to chat in today, Jamie. Have a good rest of your weekend

So, long story short....I did a recommended update, through the settings page anomy previously perfectly working iPad has died. Zero help from Apple. Very disappointed.

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