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Facetime.. how?

FaceTime rings, similar to a phone call. The iPad does not have to be in use, just not powered down. Of course it has to have an internet connecton.

To repeat, a phone number works with FactTime on the iPad only if you have an iPhone, and if the feature is turned on, on the iPhone. Otherwise you have to use an email address. You can choose which email addresses it will work with in the FaceTime settings. Settings > FaceTime. You will not see a phone number as an option unless, you have an iPhone and the option is turned on on the iPhone under Settings > Phone > Calls on Other Devices. Turn on Allow Calls on Other Devices and select from the list.

Only Apple devices work with FaceTime.

Note: You won’t see a Phone app on the iPad. If you’ve enable iPhone number sharing it will use FaceTime in audio mode for incoming phone calls.
FaceTime rings, similar to a phone call. The iPad does not have to be in use, just not powered down. Of course it has to have an internet connecton.

To repeat, a phone number works with FactTime on the iPad only if you have an iPhone, and if the feature is turned on, on the iPhone. Otherwise you have to use an email address. You can choose which email addresses it will work with in the FaceTime settings. Settings > FaceTime. You will not see a phone number as an option unless, you have an iPhone and the option is turned on on the iPhone under Settings > Phone > Calls on Other Devices. Turn on Allow Calls on Other Devices and select from the list.

Only Apple devices work with FaceTime.

Note: You won’t see a Phone app on the iPad. If you’ve enable iPhone number sharing it will use FaceTime in audio mode for incoming phone calls.

Hi twerppoet..

sorry but this is all way over my head. Its massively too much info for me to process at once. But appreciate the reply. Iphones.. i dont have one, never even touched one. And Ive never gone into settings then facetime, & yet i have successfully " called" & vice versa, my old friend. He certainly has no iphone either.. so i dont understand why iphones mentioned. Or settings If I havent used this at all for facetime.

I do understand it can be turned off, & it can ring. This i think might be useful to know, though cant think what situation right now as Id never randomly call someone, Id make sure a dedicated call time known beforehand. But my question was can i tell if my friend is currently online? Is the green dot top RHS of screen possibly a sign of this? You see just randomnly "calling" a 92 year old isnt ideal. Now, If i could see he was online though... then i know he is perfectly prepared, in his comfy chair faffing away on the ipad, to rcv a "call" without need for a pre planned time.
The green dot at the top right, near you wifi signal and power/battery icons indicates your iPad’s camera is active. This is a privacy feature to make sure apps are not using your camera without you being aware of it. If that’s not the right dot, please describe where it is in more detail. I’m not seeing one in the app itself.

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t know of any way to see if another person is using their iPad and/or has the FaceTime app open.

Best alternative, give them a quick iMessage and ask if they want a FaceTime call. It’s a lot less intrusive than the call, and he can respond whenever he notices.

The green dot at the top right, near you wifi signal and power/battery icons indicates your iPad’s camera is active. This is a privacy feature to make sure apps are not using your camera without you being aware of it. If that’s not the right dot, please describe where it is in more detail. I’m not seeing one in the app itself.

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t know of any way to see if another person is using their iPad and/or has the FaceTime app open.

Best alternative, give them a quick iMessage and ask if they want a FaceTime call. It’s a lot less intrusive than the call, and he can respond whenever he notices.

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Hi tweppoet,

thanks yes thats the green dot. Damn ok. Good idea about the messaging 1 st... but it takes me 3 days to get any reply, if I do: he seems reticent or too much trouble to go into his email inbox more than2x a week, unless i really advise it, then he won't as I have "coerced hom to do things his my way" an impossible damned if i do/ if I don't situation (hence trying just to see if i can ID if he's simply online at the time, or, even just using the ipad offline is fine as the Facetime will ring in this mode too).

Still having trouble getting my mums details to go 'working blue' colour, not dull ' not working' grey in the list in the facetime box LHS. Ive put in phone numbers & tried her two email addresses, put in over in the contacts thing, but still won't become alive back over in the facetime list area.

If my email address is just one, & a hotmail address, this obviously has somehow/ automatically got int9 my old friends facetime list area.. in order for him to have successfully called me. So from this, I know i
this email address doesn't have to be affiliated with apple IE it doesnt have to be [email protected] order for facetime to work. So why my mum's details, also one a hotmail address, isn't producing the same result.. is a mystery to me.
She needs an Apple ID, otherwise FaceTime won’t be available for her, and she has to turn on FaceTime on her iPad in her Settings.
She needs an Apple ID, otherwise FaceTime won’t be available for her, and she has to turn on FaceTime on her iPad in her Settings.
Ok J.A.. thanks, isnt facetime just on as default though when new? Getting her to go into settings, is too much to ask of her yiu see. Anxiety over the whole thing. And then explaining how yiu swipe the tiny switch L or R should she get in, for me would be exhausting: just this would take many days. So whole idea is now unlikely to get going.

but good to have the way to get this established now understood, so thanks.
Only the email associated with your Apple ID and/or iCloud Account (usually the same) are automatically set up to receive FaceTime Calls. All others have to be enabled.

Try guiding her through to the FaceTime settings and have her read you the addresses under “YOU CAN BE REACHED BY FACETIME AT”. Only those addresses that have a check mark next to them can be used to call her iPad. Only email address that have been set up as accounts on the iPad will show up in the list.
Was it on here spmeone kindly explained that an app = a programme?

That was very helpful.. really cleared things up. An 'aha! At last!' moment when it clicked & i understood.

Why on why, cant they be called programs then?? Apps is one of the most -app alling- words ive ever heard, not even a word. Hideous. Progs. Pretty bad, but a darn site bettererer.
It’s short for application, which has always been an acceptable alternative to saying program. Given peoples habit of shortening words for convenience program would probably have been shortened to prog, if it didn’t sound slightly obscene; something an alien abductionist might do.
It’s short for application, which has always been an acceptable alternative to saying program. Given peoples habit of shortening words for convenience program would probably have been shortened to prog, if it didn’t sound slightly obscene; something an alien abductionist might do.
Well you have different aliens over there, we & ours don't consider prog slightly obscene. Actually, our aliens are more likely to app you. My mate dave said it happened to him. after the pub last year he said.

I did know app was an abbreviation for application though. But it could mean approach. like when they come down from their saucer, down the ramp bit at the front. Thats approaching. Dave said this is what happened to him, he was lying in a hedge "& then they app.. appr.." then he flaked out he said.

You must source your abductions at alt.alien.org. We just have generic alien.org abductions here.
Haha. Yes indeed so twerppoet.

Grateful for your informatio, Ive bookmarked it/ got it to hand when I can get to the stage of attempting to pass iton. At the mo after 2 weeks with it, she says "nope, i seeno button on the side" ( on).. really she's this astonishingly inept. Also " what is microsoft" she asked me recently, so Im up against some silly stalling games to contend with too i sense.

You might see what Im up against. Computer school lesson 1, 1st mins of, she effectively hasnt got passed yet. But, bizarrely, says shes set up fingerprint thing ( which i havent even got, or is needed, for her, & which i set it up here specifically without - no password too, unneccessary if it stays in her house, safe area, she has never put any bank details in any site before far too terrified to, probably not such a bad idea with her skills).. so she's off running but where, god only knows. Maybe someone doing for her? So there is little chance of her getting on Facetime -unless- details are automatically appearing in her list, & hers/ mine too this end. But then if something else has to be done too.. its a step too far attempting to teach her how. Possibly next year. A shame.

But I-know how to, thanks to your very kind help. Cheers, SCHW.
I think you are being a bit unkind about your mother. After all she did set her Apple ID up by herself.
Nope. Nice thought jupiter7, but Ive put in great deal of effort buying, setting up/ courier on; a careful set up with no fingerprint or psssword to do just turn on, & 4 steps emailed to follow just to get on www the easiest way to grt going. She ignors all, & changes the set up, deliberately. I explain email accounts dont live in specific computers so go ahead & happily sign in on ipad, sendme an email from it.. (& my efforts complete knowing she has a new well connected tablet, able to get on www, & use email). She ignors. Ive now given up waiting 2 weeks now since she's had it asking just send me an email. She won't.

The idea then was leave it a month say, this "1st base" achieved.. then.. attempt facetime set up, hence getting prepped on this thread. That was all my intention. Nothing further. Minimal input. But she'll likely refuse to now. I'm too exhasted if she refuses to listen or follow advice. She'll get there, but her way involving a multitude of pickles, fear, a year min of it.. meanwhile continuing to use her old kaput tablet she's unable to connect to hub most of the day, the ipad bought to replace/ the whole idea (sends emails from this tho, still complaining of bad connection all day: it's now unbearable). Done my best, better to stop. Has started to affect me mentally too. It is that frustrating.

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