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F2P is a Misnomer – Pricing of In-Game Goods


iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
San Francisco
I’ve always been a fan of F2P games. The fact that I can test game play before making a game purchase is great, given I’m fairly price sensitive. Nevertheless, F2P does not mean free – it means in-game purchases...which appear to be badly executed by some game devs.

Recently, I’ve been shocked at the price of items sold in game; its indeed amazing to see prices reaching $99.99.

As such, a few friends and I have tested tracking prices and goods in our favourite titles (e.g. Rage of Bahamut) It will be interesting to see if and how these prices change over time.

So, I’m opening up the discussion to the forum – what do you think about the price of in-game goods? Do discounted items drive your game play?

Thanks for welcoming me to the forum.

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