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Epub books?


iPF Novice
Oct 26, 2010
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Can anyone tell me how to download and read pub books without going through the Apple iBooks reader and Apple store? For example, I would like to check out epub books from my library or download them from, say, Project Gutenberg.

Is there an app for doing this?

Install Stanza and it will access the Gutenberg site and download them easily. Very nicely done.

Yeah. Stanza is the way to go. It isn't as GUI slick as iBooks, but it is very functional, and unlike iBooks, it communicates directly with a number of eBook sellers preloaded and you can add others so long as they provide eBooks in the file format that Stanza is happy with (.epub)

One thing I do like about Stanza over iBooks as that Stanza lets you have more screen space actually dedicated to print. You can go edge to edge, top to bottom and this lets you use a larger, easier to read font. 'Specially nice for older folks like myself. ;)
stanza is waaaayyyy much better than ibooks.

They each have their strengths, and accordingly, their shortcomings. For someone wishing to impress the person sitting next to them with a virtual book floating behind glass with pages that turn as pages should turn, then iBooks is the ticket. It is also a bit more stable than Stanza. I find Stanza to occasionally be a bit crashie. But, as already extolled, Stanza does give the reader a bit more of an eye-friendly experience when not needing to impress. I like very much Stanza's ability to allow me to chose color schemes that suit my preference in reading and, when done correctly, can save on battery time. For people whose vision is less than perfect, or for avid readers wishing to cut down on eyestrain (I fall into both categories), Stanza is a more functional platform. And since eBooks are rather negligible as regards the memory they consume, no reason you cannot have your iPad library in both apps concurrently.
If you want to use iBooks still you can download the books from where you want on your pc, then drag and drop them in to the books section of iTunes, then sync them as you would music or apps.

Hope this helps.
I would like to check out epub books from my library...
Now you can check out books from your library... legally! There is a new app (new to me anyway) called Bluefire that allows you to read books in Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) format. Every public library (that I know of) that loans ebooks uses a system called OverDrive. In order to check out and read books, you need the Adobe Digital Editions software and that is Flash-based so it will not work on any Apple mobile device.

Fortunately, the Adobe Digital Editions DRM scheme has nothing to do with Flash! You still have to download the books you want to read to your computer using the ADE software, but then you can copy the book to the Bluefire app on your iPad.

All of the instructions are included with the Bluefire app... which is FREE, btw!

Also recently announced is that OverDrive will be releasing an iPad app so you can check out books directly to your iPad without having to download them to your computer first. This is long overdue! (No pun intended!) But in the mean time, using Bluefire does work!
There's a PC/Mac app called 'Calibre'
Website: calibre - E-book management

(If you're using a mac here's a direct download)
Direct link: http://www.macupdate.com/download.php/30657/calibre-0.7.29.dmg

It can convert almost any text format... txt, doc, pdf... etc. etc. into the epub format. You can also add the meta data onto the app.
After you've finished converting, it's simply a matter of drag and drop into iTunes. Then sync your iPad, and you're done!
The book is added to iBooks ^^
Hope I helped :)
OverDrive have now updated their app to work with epub editions. The download process is a little clunky (especially the first time) but you can now get eBooks from your library directly downloaded to your iPad. On the minus side it is an iPhone app so doesn't look particularly wonderful when maximised on an iPad.
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I dled books from our state digital library today and used Droobox to transfer the file to my IPad where I touched the 'open with' icon in Dropbox and chose Bluefire where it dled and formatted correctly. Nice reader though not quite as many bells and whistles as the Nook or others but more than adequate.
Tonight, after reading this thread, I dled the new Overdrive app, IPhonez only. I had tried the old overdrive app but it didn't work at all. This one works great with the only con being it's an iPhone app but they say IPad and Android apps are to follow soon. This will def. be the way to go as soon as they release the IPad version.


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I downloaded Dropbox. Apparently you have to sign up for some sort of service. Could you explain how it works? Thanks.

I downloaded Dropbox. Apparently you have to sign up for some sort of service. Could you explain how it works? Thanks.

Dropbox is an online storage service that allows you to share files across all your computers, share public files with others but in my case, I use it quite a lot to transfer files. Here's a little video that might help explain
Dropbox Intro Video Video

You get 2GB free. A similar service is box.net but they only offer 1GB free. Many apps for the IPad are integrated with Dropbox also which means it's quite easy to move files within apps on the IPad. Some of the apps I use a lot with Dropbox integration are Goodreader, Smartnotes, Collections (photography), Office HD, Bluefire and a number more.

You need to install Dropbox on all your computers that you want to share or transfer files
between. For instance, I have Dropbox on my main desktop computer, my laptop, my IPad and Touch. Since I like to move photos TO my IPad I process my photo files in Lightroom and Photoshop, copy a resized finished file to my Dropbox folder (Dropbox will put an easily accessed folderon your computer) to a folder I created just as I do to organize on my computer--named Photos. I may even make subfolders. You will see a blue check beside the files change to green as they are uploaded to Dropbox. In just a few moments I can see they are listed on my Ipad's list of folders and files in my Dropbox app.
I can then touch a file, see it immediately FROM Dropbox when connected by wifi OR I can transfer/open with an app on my IPad. You simply touch the little curved arrow icon upper right and it will list those apps that are integrated with Dropbox. Very easy, much easier than explaining it LOL.

Hope this helped. If you need more explanation or if I missed something I'll be glad to write more. It's also easy to delete files and folders from Dropox right on the IPad. You can also add files FROM the IPad to be transferred back to your main computer or shared with others. Or you can use it just for backup storage if you want.

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Good explanation Diane! I am finding more and more uses for "cloud" based systems more and more as time goes on.
Yes, thanks very much Diane.

One of the nicest responses I've ever received to a request for info. I will definitely sign up for Dropbox!

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