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Endless canvas vector drawing app, like Scribbes on OS X


iPF Noob
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
I've been looking for a cool notetaking app for college, which has been talked about a lot on these forums, but something that hasn't been talked about much are endless canvas apps like Scribbes on Mac.

Scribbles smooths lines with vectors or something, and lets on scroll as far left and right very far. It also lets you zoom in and out very far. Like I could zoom right into the "e" of the word "electronegativity" and write paragraphs and diagrams in that tiny spot just as easily as I did when I was zoomed out. And then I can zoom in on a letter in that paragraph and add more. Or I could zoom right out and have everything as small as the dot on the letter "i". Scribbles was the reason I bought the pogo sketch actually (terrible stylus btw).

And everything in scribbles looked super slick and smooth. Here is a video: youtube code eIUAqTTXdII

But I was very sad to see that "Scribbles" wasn't on the iOS app store and searching for "endless canvas ipad" didn't really bring up anything. So does anyone know of an app like Scribbes for iPad? If it were on iPad, I would probably pay $10 for, I LOVED that app on Mac.
To date, we're bound by canvas size with drawing and sketching apps on the iPad. Very small canvas sizes at that too. I'm sure this'll change and evolve, but I'm yet to find one that's got there so far.
Yes, I've seen the drawing apps have canvas sizes lower than the screen resolution seen on most TVs these days, and even then with a 1080p canvas size they warn about instability on their own ads for apps. I've seen one app that do it, Paintbook 3.2 and Infinite Whiteboard, but there are almost no reviews for them and the only comments are saying how buggy they are (and they haven't been updated in many months). I seriously don't get it because it really feels like that Scribbes would be right at home on the iPad, and with integration with the desktop version and an iPhone version, it would just be the dogs balls. I think it must be much harder than I am imagining to make apps :3
Does anyone know of an app that would allow me to cut and paste images from magazines and books i have bought so that I can in effect create a scrapbook?

If you hold the power button and the home button at the same time a screen shot of whatever page you are looking at will be taken and added to your photo app. In the photo app, you can zoom in on what you want and snap again to remove borders (or you can leave the borders in, it can be cool to have the date and time in every photo from the info bar at the top). And with certain notebook apps you can add those images, and write text underneath (like one photo for each page of the book and text under it). You would want a notebook app that gives you your notebooks in a cosmetically attractive UI, like with looking at the books all lined up and when you press which one you want it opens up before your eyes (I don't know which one would be good for that, but I imagine many of them are). Also the ability to export the entire book as a PDF would be great, then you can print it or send it to people.

Didn't Apple make a really cool app that lets you make scrapbooks on the iPad and have them printed up for reals and sent to you in the post? Or was that for OS X? I saw it in the late 2010 keynote, but I can't remember exactly which platform it was on.
Whiteboard is a strange app. It's just a never ending page or sheet of paper. Infinite. Yes, you can draw and draw and draw, but you can't zoom in as you'd expect, and you certainly can't zoom out to view the extents of your etchings. You just save snapshots or bookmarks of screen possitions where you are at any given time.

Crap quite honestly.

Haven't tried paint book, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'll download it and give it a bash and report back.
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Paint book - much better. It's got the endless ( not endless, but pretty good) vector zoom facility. Just what we're after. Layering is good too. Just needs a decent set of painting tools now. But im sure you could get used to it.
Oh cool, I'll have to give paintbook a go. I loved scribbes on the mac, but having to use the touch pad was a pain. Otherwise I could see myself using it all the time on the iPad.
The magic touch pad that is built into the MacBooks I mean. It's very smooth with a capacitive stylus (using an app called "Inklet" which lets you use your touch pad as a stylus, the touch pad is shockingly well suited to be a tiny tablet).

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