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Curling effect of iBooks for pdf too?


iPF Noob
Jun 13, 2012
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When I read the PDF files in iBooks there is no curling effect over there like it is for reading ebooks.
Is it possible to enable the curling effect for reading the PDF documents in the iBooks?
No. There is no way to do this in the iBook app.

You might find a third party PDF reader that will do it. I seem to remember seeing a quick review of one, but can't remember the name. It was a newer one, and only a reader (no annotation or other PDF tricks).
mha1703 said:

When I read the PDF files in iBooks there is no curling effect over there like it is for reading ebooks.
Is it possible to enable the curling effect for reading the PDF documents in the iBooks?

If by curling effect you mean this,

image-916832709.jpgI don't think it can be done with PDF files.
Ah, there it is. I knew there was at least one.

PerfectReader Pro does page turn animation. Not as nice as iBooks (from the look of it) but there nonetheless.

Understand I am not recommending the app. I have no personal experience with it. The reviews are merely OK. But where one app exists, there will be others.

But if an improved reading experience with PDF files is important to you, then there are alternatives. You're just going to have to do some research.

Good luck.
There is curling transition for pdf's in Kobo app too but the best afaik is there in SideBooks, very close to iBooks, not just R-L or L-R but also T-B animation (Right, Left, Top, Bottom).

Both apps are free.
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Nu-book is free too and curling transition is similar to perfect reader i.e not as good as SideBooks.
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Sorry, this was wrong because there is no curling transition for pdf's in Shubook, just for epub's.
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