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Can I Go Back to iOS 13?


iPF Noob
Oct 14, 2020
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Getting a new iPad Air for my wife who wants to keep iOS 13 after hearing my complaints about iOS 14. What happens when I set-up the new iPad Air with a back-up of my wife’s iOS 13? Will I end up with iOS 13 on the new iPad Air? Is there a way to install my wife’s current iOS, settings, bookmarks, etc on the new iPad Air? Thanks.
No. Not unless you can find an older model iPad for sale with iOS 13 installed. And if you do, you will be stuck with that version of iOS 13; and the early versions of iOS 13 were far less stable than iOS 14’s early versions.

That’s the bad news.

The good news

Each update for an iOS version increases that version’s stability. iPadOS is now up to 14.2, and as normal the second major update has resolved almost all the early issues. It will only become mores stable as the year goes by.

As with all update cycles, if you want to insure stability it’s best two wait a couple of major revisions, and check the “current” reviews for that version. This what most professionals do with their primary (money making) computers, no matter what the OS.

Also, iOS versions tend to be a bit more stable on the iPads’ they come preinstalled on. This for two reasons. First, that’s the hardware that was tested the most with new OS version. Second, an initial install is always a clean install, meaning there are no bugs introduced by the update itself. Something that rarely, but sometimes does, happen. This can only be cured by doing a clean install (or waiting for the next update in hopes it corrects/overwrites the error).
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Thx for quick and comprehensive response. I have 14.2 installed and Mail app is still buggy, at least with pop accounts on my device.
Yes. Well POP accounts have been an issue for a long time. Mail will sometimes lose track of what emails have been read, and suddenly make them all new again. If the account is not set to delete email after downloading it, the server can have thousands of emails. Also, POP accounts usually have storage limits, which can cause other issues when they are full, or nearly so. They were never designed to work with multiple computers/devices or the volume of mail that is common today. POP3 is at best a patch to keep things working. The only reason they still exist is legacy support, and cheap ISP’s who don’t want the extra expense of providing IMAP or Exchange.

Not to say your issues aren’t real or a problem. Just why they probably are not first on Apple’s to-do list.

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