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Bacon and eggs

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iPF Noob
Feb 21, 2013
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How do you keep them from being in the paper? I read somewhere to buy them so I thought if you have a bunch in storage they stop coming in the paper...

Any tips would be helpful...
Their support is horrible. :-(
I think the reason why sometimes you see bacon and eggs In the paper is because those are "stale" ads. If you advertise something useful like building materials, someone buys it right away, and you lose your advertised item, your ad is no longer in the paper. Of you advertise bacon and eggs, not many people are needing that item, you never sell it, and your advertised item stays In your shop, so your ad remains in the paper. Everyone gets a random 12 shops in their paper every five minutes or so, sometime you get lucky and get "fresh" ads, other times you get stale ads. Its to keep the game fair for both buyers and sellers. it would be difficult to find good items if everyone was competing for the same stuff. at the same time if you're selling and you don't have anything fantastic to sell people will still visit., That's why some rounds you score some loot and other times you don't. Sometimes I do a spring cleaning of my barn and silo and like to advertise bacon and eggs to keep people coming in.
There ought to be an animal that we could feed bacon and eggs to..
only Car Board and Ship need them now :), maybe they create a monster that can eat bacon and eggs :). Well, sometimes Tom and Greg will buy them, so you should put 10 stack max price and just leave there, 1 or 2 days, they will buy for you.
so you should put 10 stack max price and just leave there, 1 or 2 days, they will buy for you.

question: you talk about max price. What is max price? just hit + untill it doesn't go up further? or just a high price? how high would that be? (just starting to understsand the trading stuff)
question: you talk about max price. What is max price? just hit + untill it doesn't go up further? or just a high price? how high would that be? (just starting to understsand the trading stuff)

Yes, max price is + until you can't go further :) it's different for each item

GC ID: andreangentry lvl 56
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Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
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