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Apple TV how do I make my ipad 3 into a remote for my Apple TV as was promised


iPF Noob
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
I was promised that I could use any apple product as a remote for my Apple TV, but I tried to follow directions but failed. Also, my remote from my Apple TV broke. What do I do? I downloaded the app and it said to change file to home sharing, but I couldn't find the file on my iTunes app.
Last edited:
What directions did you follow? Did you get the Remote app from the app store?
Mjajd...I just deleted your other post as it was a duplicate of this one. Please do not do this since it makes it hard for other members to read and help you of there are multiple threads of the same topic present. It is also against forum rules.

Forum Rules - Apple iPad Forum


Ski ~
iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
mjajd1694 said:
I was promised that I could use any apple product as a remote for my Apple TV, but I tried to follow directions but failed. Also, my remote from my Apple TV broke. What do I do? I downloaded the app and it said to change file to home sharing, but I couldn't find the file on my iTunes app.

This is what you need,

https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/remote/id284417350?mt=8 it works like a dream.

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