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After Jailbreak... now what? I want to copy files to my iPad..


iPF Noob
Jun 18, 2010
Reaction score
New iPad owner and first time Apple user.

So I did the Jailbreak... everything went fine.

Now I want to copy apps over to the iPad and I have no idea how to do this.

Can I browse from my PC to it? Drag and drop? I'm clueless...

Any links or info would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
You go to the apple app store on your iPad and download the apps you want. Or you can download apps in iTunes store on your computer and then plug in your ipad to sync them over. You can only install iPad and iPhone apps on the iPad. Your windows apps will not work.

If you have jail broken your iPad you can install jailbreak apps from the app on your iPad called cydia. But don't install anything in cydia unless you know it works for the iPad or it can mess up the iPad focing you to rest or it to factory state.
Nee-bee, why did you jail brake your iPad? You can install apps & copy files back and forth using iTunes.

BTW, I just came across Padsync from a podcast I listen to. It sounds incredible. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere yet. This may be more of what Nee-bee is looking for by JBing: A way to move files back & forth easily.
Take a look at something called Diskaid(DiskAid Transfers Files to iPhone, iPod Touch & iPad, iPhone as USB Drive), which will allow you to browse, copy, drag and drop...etc to your iPad as if it were a file manager. Also since you jail broke it, you can get an app from Cydia call iFile, which you can use to browse, copy and do all that other file stuff right on your iPad.

Getting apps outside off the web to install on the iPad is a whole different topic all together..
sorry guys, I still haven't found the courage to jailbreak my ipad but I have a lots of apps and games with the ipa extension. How can you add them to your ipad ? I'm collecting information because jailbreaking my ipad
sorry guys, I still haven't found the courage to jailbreak my ipad but I have a lots of apps and games with the ipa extension. How can you add them to your ipad ? I'm collecting information because jailbreaking my ipad

you add them to iTunes and then sync them to the iPad, no need to jailbreak unless the apps are cracked and illegaly downloaded but you cant talk about that on here.
You need to install AppSync 3.2 if you plan on synchronizing cracked apps wit your iPad.
You need to install AppSync 3.2 if you plan on synchronizing cracked apps wit your iPad.
installing cracked apps is illegal.

Can you talk more about why install cracked apps is illegal. What is the co sequences.

In case I jail break and install Papago gps , you mean the developer can sue me ?


cracked app = pirated software.

think of it like the whole riaa thing with mp3 shared over p2p.
sorry guys, I still haven't found the courage to jailbreak my ipad but I have a lots of apps and games with the ipa extension. How can you add them to your ipad ? I'm collecting information because jailbreaking my ipad

Jailbreaking one thing but I don't recommend using Cracked IPAs. Or hacked games.
This is just a " Jailbreaking screwed up my Ipad!!!) waiting to happen.
It won't be the jailbreak, It'll be all the hacked junk you're about to put on it. Besides, If it's a good game/App. Than someone prob. Invested some time in making it that way. Support the Devs who put out good work.

This type of activity & the problems that arise for the people participating in it( or their devices) is what give Jailbreaking a bad name. Blame the Jailbreak.....
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