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jony ive

  1. M

    Jony Ive Returns to Apple Design Management Helm

    9to5 Mac reports that Apple’s renowned chief design officer, Jony Ive, is to return to the helm of Apple’s design group after 2 years away from the post during which he oversaw the development of the Apple Park campus project. Here’s what Apple spokeswoman Amy Bessette told Bloomberg about Ive...
  2. M

    Jony Ive Talks About Apple’s Future Tech Plans in Big TechFest Interview

    MacRumors reports that Apple design chief Jony Ive gave a big interview to The New Yorker editor David Remnick onstage at TechFest 2017 in New York. In a wide-ranging discussion, Ive touched on many subjects, including his philosophy of design, what it was like working with Steve Jobs, the...