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Help: 'verification' code?!

Aug 2, 2021
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Hi y'all,

just bought an ipad 8th gen for my elderly ma. Sent to me/ I set it up ( simplistic possible way: no password, no apple id ).. then posted to her.

During set up, I connected to my hub to check it works, went to a few obvious sites/ played clips. Then I put in a few obvious Favourites for her.
All fine. Nothing prompting me to put in an apple id, nor prompting me for anything at all.

So as far as I know, once she received it.. all she needed to do was connect to her hub. I told her go to Settings, Wifi, put in code.

But she is stuck. She emails me " it asks for a verification code ". Eh? I don't know where she is, what this wording is, anything. This wording i have never seen on set up here, nor on my own ipad, nor on any clips i see prior to setting up, nor at any time in my 20 years on the www either.

Can anyone help? 1stly for me: could anyone possibly identify where she is on the ipad, to have received this verification request?

Thanks. schwangdangdiddlyduder

J. A.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2012
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Apetlon, Austria
The iPad ususally asks for a verification code when it’s set up with an Apple ID with Two Factor Authentication enabled.

Make sure it’s not connected to your ID. On your iPad, go to Settings - your name, and take a look at the devices that are using your Apple ID. If there’s an iDevice you don’t recognize, it might be hers.

If that’s not the case, ask her to take a screenshot of that popup and send it to you, so that you can post it here and we can see what’s happening.
Aug 2, 2021
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The iPad ususally asks for a verification code when it’s set up with an Apple ID with Two Factor Authentication enabled.

Make sure it’s not connected to your ID. On your iPad, go to Settings - your name, and take a look at the devices that are using your Apple ID. If there’s an iDevice you don’t recognize, it might be hers.

If that’s not the case, ask her to take a screenshot of that popup and send it to you, so that you can post it here and we can see what’s happening.
Hi J.A.

thanks for reply. But as I said I deliberately set it up without an apple id. I set it up at my house, then I sent it to her house.

When I set it up at my house, no apple id was created. I simply clicked 'not now' or ' set up without', or ' continue without'.. something like this. Anyway if I managed to get it set up, & connected to my www hub - without- needing an apple id... then it can be set up without an apple id. I prooved this, by simply doing it.

Then I sent it to my mum. Her www hub type is exactly the same. So why, where, for what reason, where might she be, to receive this " verification" request??

Im just repeating what I said in my opening post. Maybe I wasn't clear.

If you dont understand anything Ive written, could you say so? Thx Schwangster

J. A.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2012
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Apetlon, Austria
I did understand that you set it up without Apple ID, I’m just asking you to make sure there really is no ID on her iPad.

If she can’t access the iPad at all, there could also be a passcode required.

If she has a Facebook account, and set up two-factor authentication for her account, this might be the reason for her problem.

There are a few reasons why this could be happening, that’s why I asked you to get a screenshot of that popup, if possible. It might help us understanding what’s going on.
Aug 2, 2021
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I did understand that you set it up without Apple ID, I’m just asking you to make sure there really is no ID on her iPad.

If she can’t access the iPad at all, there could also be a passcode required.

If she has a Facebook account, and set up two-factor authentication for her account, this might be the reason for her problem.

There are a few reasons why this could be happening, that’s why I asked you to get a screenshot of that popup, if possible. It might help us understanding what’s going on.

Hi J.A. Ok thanks, glad you did understand. Asking for a screenshot: well two things here: 1, is afaik a screenshot is taken of an online page. She hasnt, so far as I can ascertain, got connected to the www yet. This connection, is the very thing/ the sole thing, that I have left her to do. This is all I want to achieve. And 2, ive never done a screenshot.. let alone asking my mum to!

Ok, let me go back to the very basics here to try & understand what, where, shemight be seeing this message.

Is this verification request only, possibly, able to be seen/ received... if the recipient... is ONLINE?

Or cooulld this request be received whether the recipient is online, or not yet connected online???

thx schwangerdan

J. A.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2012
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Apetlon, Austria
A screenshot can be taken any time, it doesn’t matter if she’s online or not.

If she isn’t connected to the internet yet, it can’t be because of the Apple ID or Facebook, imo.

Please ask her if her screen looks like this:

Maybe she has to enter a passcode.
Aug 2, 2021
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A screenshot can be taken any time, it doesn’t matter if she’s online or not.

If she isn’t connected to the internet yet, it can’t be because of the Apple ID or Facebook, imo.

Please ask her if her screen looks like this:
View attachment 94216
Maybe she has to enter a passcode.
JA thanks, but honestly I would spend ages with brainache googling how to do a screenshot. This is an iipad she has just received, new. There is no wway on gods earth that she could do a screenshot, no way on gods earth i would ask her to, should i know how to do it. Why? Because the whole setting gup that ive done for her, is to make everything as simple as possible. Asking this of her, is the very antithesis of simplicity.

The screenshot yyou kindly put up above, does not contain the word 'verification'. So I can therefore say, that, this isn't the message she is seeing. I know the message she sees, simply includes the word " verification ". It asks for a verification, prompts her to. Whatever the dickens this might be, &, wherever the dickens she might be seeing it.

If I could have just established, if this request, was seen online.... then.... my primary job has been done. IE she has managed to connect a to b.. & is online. But you say this mssg can appear both online, and offline. So I cannot establish at what stage she is at.

J. A.

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2012
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Apetlon, Austria
I didn‘t say this message can appear offline, I said a screenshot can be done offline as well.

Please ask her to describe which app she is using when the verification message appears, where she is on the iPad (Settings, Safari, …?), and what the popup says exactly.

Taking a screenshot won‘t help in that case, because she is offline, and can’t send the picture to you, but in case you need it later: That‘s easy.
If you have an iPad with a Home button or Touch ID, press Power and Home button simultaneaously and quickly.
An iPad with FaceID takes screenshots by pressing Power and Volume Up button at the same time.
Aug 2, 2021
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I didn‘t say this message can appear offline, I said a screenshot can be done offline as well.

Please ask her to describe which app she is using when the verification message appears, where she is on the iPad (Settings, Safari, …?), and what the popup says exactly.

Taking a screenshot won‘t help in that case, because she is offline, and can’t send the picture to you, but in case you need it later: That‘s easy.
If you have an iPad with a Home button or Touch ID, press Power and Home button simultaneaously and quickly.
An iPad with FaceID takes screenshots by pressing Power and Volume Up button at the same time.
Hi J.A. You are being most helpful I really appreciate it. I cant ask her to try a screenshot.. she is just not capable. She's been on www 15 years+ from earliest days, but asked me t'other day " what is microsoft?" Honestly, a 5 year old in a week is more capable. She has no idea what a tab is for eg, or how to open / close an extra tab. Also she wont tell me where she finds this mssg.. online or offline, I have no idea. But, she now tells me the ipad - is- connected to hub. She managed this, amazingly. After email after email of me explaining how ( takes 1 minute as you know). I think Im resigned to getting someone in, Im 150 m away you see.. far for us in england, 'round the corner' for U S folks! She does my fkn nut in!! I really cant cope with it anymore!! I bought the thing, set it up, explained xyz in emails.. Ive done my bit surely?!

You are most kind, good for you.. I shall repay a favour to someone I dont know in return. Thx schwanger.

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