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Changing folder background


iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Is there an easy app to change the background of folders? I want to get rid if that boring gray. I read a tutorial on how to get into the system files to change it but was just looking for an app to do this. I looked around cydia and didn't see any themes geared towards this.


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
FolderEnhancer is a pretty neat tweak from Cydia. Along with letting you put as many icons as you wish into a folder, you can modify the folder to have different colored backgrounds (ranging from a solid color to transparent), different colored border and different colored folder title text.

I've got mine set to be almost transparent; now I can see my wallpaper behind the folder background.

There are also some themes that'll change the folder backgrounds. I've not messed around with those - but I'm sure others who have will be along shortly to chat with you.

Hope this helped.



iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks. I was actually using folderenhancer before but I like the standard folders and how they split open, not just pop open in a new window like folderenhancer. I am still trying to figure out how to theme just the regular folders.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
OK. The file you need for your theme is called...


and in order to theme it you need to place it in your theme folder in sub folders named...


and then apply the theme in Winterboard.

OR (not recommended) you can change the "live" file in...

System/Library/CoreServices/SprinBoard.app - MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE PNG!

Once you have changed it, you need to deal with IOS caching to see the changes. The easiest way to do this is download a free Cydia app called FolderFixer. You run this, it clears the cache, and then resprings.

Then you will be able to see a new folder and switcher background!

Hope that helps!
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
Here's an example of the result...


  • image-3226410473.png
    445.5 KB · Views: 1,452


iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
f4780y said:
OK. The file you need for your theme is called...


and in order to theme it you need to place it in your theme folder in sub folders named...


and then apply the theme in Winterboard.

OR (not recommended) you can change the "live" file in...

System/Library/CoreServices/SprinBoard.app - MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE PNG!

Once you have changed it, you need to deal with IOS caching to see the changes. The easiest way to do this is download a free Cydia app called FolderFixer. You run this, it clears the cache, and then resprings.

Then you will be able to see a new folder and switcher background!

Hope that helps!

Ok, great. Thank you for your help. I'm new to this so some more help would be great. Where/how do I locate folderswitchbg-iPad.png? Is this something I have to download or is it already on my device? And how to I get into and edit my theme folder? Thanks again.


iPF Noob
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
f4780y said:
OK. The file you need for your theme is called...


and in order to theme it you need to place it in your theme folder in sub folders named...


and then apply the theme in Winterboard.

OR (not recommended) you can change the "live" file in...

System/Library/CoreServices/SprinBoard.app - MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE PNG!

Once you have changed it, you need to deal with IOS caching to see the changes. The easiest way to do this is download a free Cydia app called FolderFixer. You run this, it clears the cache, and then resprings.

Then you will be able to see a new folder and switcher background!

Hope that helps!

Okay, so although I still need some clarification on things, I did just run folder fixer, and it applied a background that my installed theme had applied. The only issue is that I have infinifolders installed and when I have a folder with a lot of apps the background cuts off towards the bottom and shows part of the old background. I'm guessing this is a sizing issue and I just shouldn't use inififolders?.


iPF Noob
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, USA
Hey, I was thinking about delving into this as well.
I have a few questions regarding the pixel size of 'FolderSwitcherBG~ipad.png'

I've watched a couple of tutorials for iPhone 4 for folder background changing. However, they refer to the image as 'FolderSwitcherBG.png' with resolution: 320x480. Is this the iPhone/iPod specific name/resolution? And will the iPad only use 'FolderSwitcherBG~ipad.png'? If so, what resolution is optimal for the iPad? Does it rotate along with the screen? Or does it center to fit like the springboard background?

Also, I know that the iPhone/iPod 'FolderIconBG.png' resolution is optimized at 62x62, is the iPad the same? Does it use the same name and not 'FolderIconBG~ipad.png'?

Thanks, guys.


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
The stock iPad file for the background in folders is a 1024 x 1024 image titled FolderSwitcherBG~ipad.png. It's the only image the iPad uses for folder backgrounds.

For the heck of it, I took a 1024x1024 image that I had (that wasn't just generic stripes/patterns) and dumped it into a .themes folder. Here's pictures of the results, landscape and portrait:



So, it appears as if the image gets cut on landscape, but is pretty good on portrait (except for the part where the dock is). However, the good news is that it does rotate.

Then, because I'm curious, I tried a smaller pic (I cropped the above to 653 x 511 ... which is pure W.A.G., by the way - it's just what I ended up with on a random crop). It's here (again, landscape & portrait):



So, it appears that if you make an image smaller than 1024 x 1024 (whether you crop it or just resize it), it stretches to fit. So, you'll have to ensure you use an image that, if it's not just random patterns, has the image in the center so it'll come out all right.

One strong caution I will give - if I may be so bold. Do NOT mess about with the stock iPad images. Create a theme and use Winterboard to run it. I speak from personal experience when I say that mucking about with iPad stock photos could cause you to crash the iPad, which results in a complete restore. So, please, take my advice … it's based on experience…

Now, after all that - did I actually answer your question? Or, did I miss your point (which, I can do when I get to playing with the iPad…)?


P.P.S. Drat! After I did all this, I realized I was demonstrating folder backgrounds with the FolderEnhancer tweak installed. When FolderEnhancer opens, it takes up the entire background, which is different than stock behavior. I can only assume (yes, I know what it means) that with stock folders, the iPad will only show the top part of the 1024x1024 photo (cause it'll want to leave room should you have 20 icons in there and it needs to take the whole screen on opening). So, if you will forgive me, because I don't want to uninstall FolderEnhancer - you'll just have to try it out your own. Sorry.

P.P.S. Even if I didn't help … I sure had fun changing my folder wall paper. Now, to find more images. Help! I'm a wallpaper addict!!! :D


iPF Noob
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, USA
Now, after all that - did I actually answer your question? Or, did I miss your point (which, I can do when I get to playing with the iPad…)?


P.P.S. Drat! After I did all this, I realized I was demonstrating folder backgrounds with the FolderEnhancer tweak installed. When FolderEnhancer opens, it takes up the entire background, which is different than stock behavior. I can only assume (yes, I know what it means) that with stock folders, the iPad will only show the top part of the 1024x1024 photo (cause it'll want to leave room should you have 20 icons in there and it needs to take the whole screen on opening). So, if you will forgive me, because I don't want to uninstall FolderEnhancer - you'll just have to try it out your own. Sorry.

P.P.S. Even if I didn't help … I sure had fun changing my folder wall paper. Now, to find more images. Help! I'm a wallpaper addict!!! :D

Thanks, Mickey! That was actually very insightful! I'm continuing to mess around with the Winterboard themes (staying far away from the stock images) and am beginning to get the hang of things! This is really too much fun to focus on any one thing.. I'll be back after a day or two to post my results. Thanks a bunch!


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
Found it in Google image search while typing up my post. Just a random picture - found with search terms "1024x1024 png," believe it or not.

To make your life easier - here's the picture.



  • GearHead.png
    313.1 KB · Views: 666


iPF Noob
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, USA
I've been hard at work making a theme for myself! And along the way, with the help of the vast knowledge of the internet and you guys, I've modded something I can be truly proud of! :)

The trick is in deleting the 'com.apple.SpringBoard.folderSwitcherLinen.x' (x: 0-5)
Found in ' /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches '.
And don't worry, they update themselves with every respring. No need to back-up. If you have a theme activated on WinterBoard that has a SwitcherLinen chosen, it will cache it for you!

Sources: HELPFUL and TheSpotifyer


  • IMG_0124.PNG
    811.4 KB · Views: 423
  • IMG_0125.PNG
    798.6 KB · Views: 473
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iPF Noob
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, USA
Instructions on Changing Folder Background

The following is a step by step instruction manual to creating your own SpringBoard Folder Background.

  1. Download i-FunBox.
  2. Connect iPad and start i-FunBox. (must have iTunes installed on machine)
  3. Download image from internet. Resolution 1024x1024 recommended as this will fit the iPad in any orientation.
    • You must convert all JPEGs (and other non PNGs) to PNG file format. Online file-converter available here.
  4. Using i-FunBox, navigate to Stock Springboard Items at: /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app (DO NOT DELETE/OVERWRITE THESE FILES)
    • Copy file 'FolderSwitcherBG~ipad.png' at: /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/FolderSwitcherBG~ipad.png
      • One must copy to computer in temporary folder and then manually copy and paste back into directory later.
  5. Paste this image into theme Bundle/com.apple.springboard folder found at: /private/var/stash/Themes.xxxxx/xxxxx.theme/Bundles/com.apple.springboard
    • When this theme('xxxxx') is selected in Winterboard, it will try and load this new Folder Background, but hold on! It's still the stock photo! Remember that photo we found online and converted? Well, paste it here next to this png.
  6. Rename your png to match exactly the stock png. Delete the stock png leaving only your png in the folder with this name.
  7. Now, the tricky part. Navigate to the SpringBoard FolderSwitcher Cache at: /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches. Here you want to delete the files that are keeping your new picture from becoming the actual Folder Background. Delete ONLY the following: 'com.apple.SpringBoard.folderSwitcherLinen.x' (where x: 0-5)
  8. Open Winterboard, Select your new theme and Respring!

Of course one does not have to use i-FunBox to complete this, rather some prefer to use iFile or another program/SSH clients, etc.

Let me know if this worked for you! :cool:
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Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
It looks as if your background folder I age is too small. If I were to hazard a guess, you've got a standard display theme on a retina device. The images on a retina device are larger...

Take a look in your theme images file for that background (/var/stash/Themes/Bundles/com.apple.springboard) - look for that file as mentioned above. You didn't say, but I assume you have an iPhone 4/4S, so that image should be 640 x 960. Either put in a new image that is that size or look for a folder background image (in that theme) that is that size - but maybe not named properly. You'll have to go into you file system (or a google it) to find the name your iDevice is actually using for that image (remember that the iDevice is case sensitive).

While I hope this helped, may I suggest you visit our sister forum (www.iphoneforums.net) for future assistance? Here there be iPads and we don't really talk (or understand) iPhones/iPods. :) They are a great help over there and it's a good resource to keep handy.

Regardless, good luck and let us know how you get on.


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