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Sky Go (and similar) iPad to TV


iPF Noob
Sep 20, 2012
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I have an iPad 2, 5.1.1 (not jailbroken) at the moment and would like to be able to watch things on my TV, I bought a AV out kit from eBay and this works BUT I understand Sky Go is intentionally blocked and it appears that another service I subscribe to have done the same (ADMC Sports)

Is there a specific type of lead or a way that this can be bypassed so that I can watch ADMC Sport / Sky Go on my TV without any issues ?

Any help would be great, apologies if this has been covered before but I am very keen to get a quick (but positive) answer to my question and this place seems busy.
Not positive, I'm afraid :(

The only way you can normally bypass those restrictions is by jailbreaking, HOWEVER, SkyGo has added protection which cannot currently be circumvented without additionally bypassing Apple's App DRM (over and above the standard jailbreak process), and this is illegal. Therefore, it is not a solution which iPadForums can endorse or support - we only support legitimate and legal jailbreaking activities.

Becasue of this, I am stuck without the abilitiy to run SkyGo on my Jailbroken iPad at this time. The situation may change in the future if a legal solution is discovered, but from what I understand the app has been very well protected.
Putting Sky Go aside then, the actual App I want to show on my TV is ADMC which is also blocked.

Both Apps run perfectly on the iPad itself but its the link to TV I have a problem with

Is there any way for me to quickly check as to whether ADMC have added a similar additional level of protection ?
I don't use that, sorry, but xCon is the most popular solution for bypassing (legally) an apps jailbreak protection. You can see a list of currently supported apps here - http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=XCon

DisplayOut (a paid Cydia tweak) is best solution I know of for outputting everything on your iPad to a TV etc. I use this over HDMI all the time and have no problems.

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