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iOS7: JailBreak Status Thread (Official)


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Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
Welcome to the iPadForums Official IOS7 Jailbreak Status Thread!

This post is regularly kept up to date. Factual news on the status of the IOS7 jailbreak will always be reflected in the first post as soon as we are aware of it!

***Please go to the end of this post for updates on the iOS 7 jail break***



evasi0n7 - iOS 7.x Jailbreak: http://evasi0n.com/

Tutorial (evasi0n7): http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...-7-0-4-device-using-evasi0n7-windows-osx.html



(September 18, 2013): IOS 7.0 was released on 18th September 2013 and CANNOT currently be jailbroken.

Figured I'd get out ahead of the crowd and start this thread. So, watch this space for any updates. And, as always, once we know something, we'll make the change/update to this first post.

As a final thought (plea?) - please have patience. This is a brand new, completely overhauled iOS. I am sure the community is hard at work on a jail break. All we can do is wait...


UPDATE (September 26, 2013): According to one of the leading jail breakers, MuscleNerd, you can safely upgrade to iOS 7.0.2 (which was released to fix lockscreen issues). As he says: "It's not a JB vector so updating is fine."

UPDATE (October 22, 2013): From the same MuscleNerd - it is "fine to go from 7.0.x to iOS 7.0.3." No, there's no further word on a jail break, but at least now you know that it's okay to be upgraded to the most current iOS.

And, as a precaution, and based on what the jail break community learned back in iOS 5 days - may I suggest that when (if?) you do upgrade (to any iOS), do so by downloading and installing a full version of the iOS; do not do your upgrading via the over-the-air (OTA) method. We found that some people were not able to take advantage of some of the re-restore options if they used OTA updates for iOS 5. This may not make any difference and may be a useless caution ... but, just in case... :)

UPDATE (November 14, 2013): From another respected member of the jailbreak community, iH8sn0w - "If you're already on iOS 7.0.x, there is no harm in updating to 7.0.4."

So, update away, all you running iOS 7. For those waiting to see if something comes out for iOS 6.1.3/6.1.4, you shouldn't move up yet, given there s no jailbreak for either iOS or iOS 7.

UPDATE (December 22, 2013, 12:30 EST): Yes, there is a jail break for iOS 7.0 - 7.0.4. But...

There seems to be an issue with the jail break tool - there is a LOT of confusion over its validity, whether the jail break circumvents some legal (piracy) issues or even what is inside the specific coding (that we don't know about).

Please, if you can, hold off for a bit until we can get some more details on this jail break.

At the moment, we cannot, in good consciousness, recommend this jail break.

Stand by for updates.

UPDATE (December 23, 2013, 9:00 EST):bSo, after all the drama on the jail break - here's an update. The jail break for iOS 7.0 - 7.0.4 works IF you follow the steps outlined on the evaders' web site. The key parts to remember are the (1) you must have gotten to your iOS 7 version via iTunes, NOT via the over-the-air (OTA) update and (2) you must remove your lock passcode, to include the fingerprint access. Oh, and don't touch the device while the jail break process is running. If you follow the process, you should be able to successfully jail break.

Just keep in mind that, due to the "surprise" of this quick release, nothing really works on Cydia. The store itself has not been updated for iOS 7 and neither has MobileSubstrate (one of the key bits of code that helps your device run tweaks and stay stable). If you install a non-updated tweak, especially one that uses MobileSubstrate, you could run into a situation where the only fix is to re-restore your device and start again.

So, IMNSHO, wait for the jail breaking community to catch up. Give them time to update all your favorite tweaks so they will run as they are supposed to. We have time as Apple is on vacation this week and iOS 7.1 is still in beta. No rush... :)

UPDATE (December 31, 2013): Hurray! After what I imagine are many hours of coding by saurik, Mobile Substrate (aka "Cydia Substrate") has now been updated. Per the update page, "substrate version 0.9.5000 is now compatible with both iOS 7 and the ARM64 CPU used in the iPhone 5S (and many of those new iPads)."

So, the biggest "block" to many tweaks being updated is gone. While we continue to caution patience as developers work to update their tweaks, hopefully we'll start seeing our favorites getting current fixes ... soon.

One caution still (and always) remains - ensure a tweak you wish to install is compatible with an iPad before you install it. Many, many developers create for the iPhone and so a certain tweak may/may not work on an iPad. So, be careful out there. :)

UPDATE (January 1, 2014): Fellow member willerz2 has been compiling a list of tweaks that work on iOS 7 (for all devices). That list is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dG1nY0lmNXhCbWNQc0J1amt1N0Rkanc&usp=drive_web

He updates it regularly and it's a great resource to see if your favorite tweak is ready for iOS 7.

We'll be updating the Ultimate Tweaks thread (link here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak-applications-tweaks/25824-ultimate-list-jailbreak-tweaks.html). But, until we finish that update, willerz2's spreadsheet is a good product to start your research on compatible tweaks.

UPDATE (January 1, 2014): The evaders are up to release version 1.0.4 of their jail break tool. Hopefully, they've fixed all the issues for that have risen in the jail break process.

The most important thing about this version is that it closes a security hole left behind by the jail break. So, if you are jail breaking your iPad for the first time (or re-jailbreaking it) with this evasi0n 7 tool, be sure to use this most current version.

For those of you already jail broken, you do not need to restore and re-jailbreak to apply this security patch. Just go to Cydia and you should see an update for ”evasi0n 7 Untether." Choose to upgrade this and, after downloading and installing, the device will reboot and you will have the security patch installed.

I cannot emphasize this enough - if you are already jail broken, run the security patch! Thanks.

UPDATE (February 21, 2014): Apple has released an iOS update - iOS 7.0.6. This update provides a fix for SSL connection verification.

Granted, this fix is a good thing - but, at the moment, iOS 7.0.6 is not jailnreakable. So, if you value your jail break, do not upgrade.

We understand that an update for the jailbreaking tool evasi0n7 is being worked on (to make it work on iOS 7.0.6). Stay tuned for further updates.

UPDATE (February 22, 2014): Okay, the evad3rs have released an update to the evasi0n7 jailbreak tool; it is now on version 1.0.6 and works on all iOS 7 versions (7.0 through 7.0.6). You can get the newest version of the tool here: http://evasi0n.com

Apple's release of iOS 7.0.6 solves a very serious Secure Socket Layer (SSL) bug that could have the potential to compromise any/all web-based transactions (this includes apps BTW, not just web browsers). I know it's going to be a pain in the ... knee ... to get your jail broken device(s) upgraded to iOS 7.0.6 and then re-jailbroken. But - it's gotta be done.

So - get to upgrading, please. Now that people know there is a vulnerability in the SSL function (e.g. now that this is public knowledge that anyone can take advantage of), upgrading to iOS 7.0.6 is really your best protective measure againt potential intrusions.

UPDATE (June 24, 2014): Well, there's a new jail break in town! :) A team from China has released the "PanGu 7.1.x" UNtethered jailbreak tool. This tool will jail break anything that runs iOS 7.1 - 7.1.1, excluding Apple TV.

As of today, this tool only works on Windows and the directions are not in English. So, one of our members, willerz2 has made this excellent tutorial on using the tool: http://www.ipadforums.net/index.php?threads/How-To-Jailbreak-iOS-7.1.X-using-PanGu.122355/

One word of warning - this tool comes pre-packaged with a pirate App Store. Bad! However, if you UNcheck the appropriate box, the tool will not install the piracy app and you will be fine.

If you deliberately choose to load the piracy store - please know we do NOT support piracy in any way and we will not help you with any complications. In fact, should you choose to pirate and then have issues, we will LAUGH at you while not helping you.

Still, if you uncheck the box, you will be good to go and will be able to jail break on iOS 7.1 & 7.1.1. Good luck and have fun! :)

UPDATE (July 1, 2014): The PanGu team has updated their jail break tool. It now can be run on Macs, the directions are in English (which do NOT contain the piracy App Store) and, best yet - this tool also jail breaks ios 7.1.2.

Just know that if you do jail break iOS 7.1.1 or 7.1.1 - a lot of the tweaks are not yet ready to be run on that newer iOS. So, you'll have to be a bit patient while developers update their code.

Again, see the tutorial as written by willerz2. Happy jailbreaking! :)
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Even with the release of an iOS 7 jailbreak, support will be very minimal unfortunately. There's been an iOS 7 tethered jailbreak for the iPhone 4 (as usual because of LimeRa1n) that I'll hopefully be able to test at work later when I have access to a Mac, but from looking at opensn0w's executions, everything has to be done manually, and I have a feeling Cydia 1.1.8 will be pretty buggy running on the new iOS. Hopefully everything will be iron-pressed and most apps will see updates for the iOS 7 changes, though I'm expecting to have complete package overhauls for many tweaks, maybe even separate packages for iOS 7+ and iOS 7>.
A whole five days after iOS7's release... I can't believe it took that long for this sticky!
A little note from Jay Freeman (@Saurik)

[....] Nothing is currently blocked on "Cydia being broken": Cydia was fixed weeks ago, but it would do nothing but harm to release an update to Cydia without things like Substrate working sufficiently, so Cydia is blocked on Substrate.

In turn, Substrate is also not "broken". Sure: it wouldn't work if you tried it; but the implication is if Substrate is "broken", somehow Substrate is "what needs to be fixed". In fact, the current jailbreaks that are released simply do not work sufficiently for Substrate: the jailbreaks are "broken".

This is confusing for users, because often to them a jailbreak is a binary "either it works or it doesn't" sort of thing. it is exceptionally confusing, as there are some well-known (but outside of the core development community) people who keep posting screenshots of Substrate "working" :(.

Some of them even tweeted corrections directly at me ;P after I made that post on Twitter linking to that video (the one where I said "Current iOS 7 tethered jailbreak patches don't yet support Substrate; developers can Cycript the Simulator if needed.") claiming (incorrectly) that the issue was fixed...

However, the reality is that opensn0w simply does not work correctly right now: it is missing a key kernel patch that allows something like Substrate's native-code hooking mechanism to function, as the kernel detects the process has been modified and revokes some of its "entitlements" (sort of like permissions).

While some people then insist "well, it still sort of works", these entitlements are required for "critical stuff" that you might not notice with just a glance. And, in the most important situation (SpringBoard) it is absolutely fatal when they are revoked: backboardd rejects it and you are stuck at an Apple logo.

This means that opensn0w is actually a jailbreak that has been useless for me; and, because it is useless for me, it has been useless for most developers as well: people talk about it as a tool for developers to start testing things, but right now it is ironically only for more casual usage ;P.

What I mean by that is that yes: you can use this jailbreak to run SSH on the device and edit a file in a text editor; but you can't use this jailbreak to, for example, work on fixing bugs in WinterBoard, because the kernel patches aren't sufficient for using Substrate's MSHookFunction functionality :(.

The other group of people, of course, whom opensn0w could be targeted at are jailbreakers (who might want to work on kernel patches), but they all have their own tools and platforms--ones with GUIs and codebases they understand--so none of them are looking at or using opensn0w ;P.

This is thereby like the worst possible combination, as it means there has been a lot of confusion in the community: users think "oh, there's a jailbreak, maybe I should try it!" and then find out "oh, nothing works on it, it must be saurik's fault". Meanwhile, developers and I are just waiting around.

Thankfully, planetbeing had some time to look at this issue a couple nights ago (time stolen from the 5S) and he now has the right patch. When MuscleNerd gets back, I'll probably get a new build of redsn0w. With this, I'll be able to test Substrate, WinterBoard, and ready the platform.

Then, I'd imagine there will be some kind of internal beta of redsn0w so that people like BigBoss, DHowett, and rpetrich can work on things like libhide, PreferenceLoader, and Activator, at which point I would then presume you'll see a more public release of a working tethered jailbreak.

Of course, this is all conjecture on the timing: I have no clue if or when MuscleNerd will get back (I don't even know where he lives ;P), and redsn0w is his project and will be subject to his release schedule. (So, no: do not even think of quoting me on this imaginary ordering ;P.)

(Also, I will point out that I am speaking at a conference on Saturday that starts on Friday, so if a working jailbreak materializes tomorrow I won't be able dedicate much time to it until Sunday. I'd assume, however, that it won't take me much time to get all of my stuff "ready" with a working jailbreak.)

But again, no: please stop telling people that anything is blocked on Cydia... that's really not correct :(. Cydia works great: there is one more graphical glitch and a few more server-side graphical updates I want to have ready, but all blocking issues and bugs were fixed weeks ago.

(( Really, if any software package is going to cause a block right now, it's uikittools (a package I steward, but is more of a community involvement: most of the code in it comes from people like Erica, rpetrich, DHowett, and more recently even evad3rs). That is the package that has uicache (used to load icons into SpringBoard) and gssc (used to dump the GraphicsServices capabilities table). My current belief is that with Substrate (which is an integral part of my reverse engineering "toolbelt") I could fix gssc much more quickly than without, so I've been waiting for a working jailbreak before wasting a bunch of time trying to pull this apart while blinded; but, while there are some use cases where Cydia won't work as well without gssc, Cydia existed before gssc and would work without gssc, so it is not fair to lump Cydia into that issue. ))

To sum it up (TL;DR), Cydia's basically "functional" though there's a lack of the proverbial lab rats to test it on as there's yet to be a jailbreak with an appropriate kernel patch to fully test any changes and/or develop for on iOS 7, particularly Substrate, which is used in just about 9 out of 10 packages in Cydia one way or another. Hopefully we'll be seeing a bit of action going on with tweak updates and/or new tweaks cropping up to smooth out the pains in the rumps that iOS 7 has imposed.

Added words from the jail break community to the first post: if you wish, it's "safe" to upgrade to iOS 7.0.3.

Is it safe or is it "safe" to upgrade? The latter seems a "not so sure if it is safe" to me.

It's safe to upgrade to iOS 7.0.3.

I just added my suggestion [only] that any potential jail breakers install a full version of an iOS, not the OTA version. It has made a difference in the past and there is no harm in continuing that practice.

Not that I have anything concrete, you understand. It's just that, after the issues the jail break community had in iOS 5 with factory and iOS firmware not working with the re-restore process that was released, I have always used iTunes and DFU mode to upgrade.

But that's me and I may be a "nervous Nellie." YMMV. :)

Still, it's okay to go to iOS 7.0.3, regardless of how you get there.

Hope this clarifies and sorry for any confusion.

Okay, just so I have this straight -- I have a jailbroken mini that I haven't updated in months.

If I update to 7.03, can it still be jailbroken (mostly for iFiles), or should I wait?
Okay, just so I have this straight -- I have a jailbroken mini that I haven't updated in months.

If I update to 7.03, can it still be jailbroken (mostly for iFiles), or should I wait?

Read first post.

Sent from my iPad 64Gb JB 6.1.2 using iPF
By "safe to upgrade" to 7.0.3, they mean that it won't hinder the ability to use some future 7 jailbreak. In other words, if you're already at 7, it's safe to go to 7.0.3 and you won't be any more screwed than you are now. ;-) If you currently have a jailbroken iPad, do not update to ANY version of 7.

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